
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 4:12 AM
Subject: [goancauses] Parrikar has strategy to resolve language row

> Parrikar has strategy to resolve language row

> MARGAO, FEB 1 — — Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar has said he has a
> strategy up his sleeve to resolve the language imbroglio dogging the state
> since liberation and categorically stated that the mother tongue of Goans
> Konkani.

(GS) The  strategy is to play the Konkani and Marathi cards shrewdly for
electoral gains.

> He, however, pointed out that though Konkani is spoken by over 85 per cent
> the Goans, a significant number of the population still continues to
> in Marathi.

(GS) The strategy is most apparent here. What has Official State Language to
do with all this?
Did'nt he say 85 % of Goans speak Konkani?

> He lamented that the the tragedy of the state is that the Official
> Act is in English. “This is the real tragedy. Interpretation of the
> Act has resulted in several problems just because the Act was drafted in
> English’, he said. In a lighter vein, he said such a problem would not
> cropped had the Act drafted in either Marathi or Konkani.

(GS) The strategy comes into actual play here. Blame it all on the English
language. Our Indian Constitution is writtenin English too. And it has stood
the test of time.  Manohar Parrikar has proved to be  a shrewd politician.
And I endorse it. Any one who is a shrewd politician knows how to play the
game of  "divide and rule"

> He declined to offer any comment when asked whether he blames the then
> government for drafting the Act.

(GS) If Manohar Parrikar was for Konkani as the State's Official Language,
he would have stated here that the drafting of Act is faulty and biased in
favour of Marathi.

> The CM felt there should not be any hatred over the language issue. “Both
> Marathi and Konkani should develop richer in literature”, he asserted

(GS) Development of Languages  is not the issue here. The issue is the State
Language. The state language must not be diluted. It must be one Language.
Does he believe in One State Language? He should openly say Yes or No.

> Pointing out that the state can always support this or that language, he
> a particular language will develop if only the people participate.

Wrong again. This guy is diluting the issue.

(GS) The State is under the obligation and duty to support its  Official
Language  at all times.

> Obviously referring to the criticism by some Konkani organisations that
> government sanctioned Rs 10 lakh grant for the on-going Konkan Marathi
> sammelan, Parrikar said “if the Konkani organisations need money, we will
> give. The government will not mind sanctioning Rs 40 to Rs 50 lakhs”.
> Meanwhile, BJP’s mantra of “good governance” is to be exported to other
> states by Parrikar, where the saffron party will be contesting the
> forthcoming Assembly polls.

(GS) As the Chief Minister, he cannot  pander away the meagre resources of
the State to further his re-election prospects and to consolidate the
prospects of his party. There is better use for the money which is in short
supply. Dishing 40 to 50 lacs to promote one or the other languages is
definately not  "GOOD GOVERNANCE"  The chief minister should know what is.

> This was disclosed by the CM when newsmen informed him that he has been
> shortlisted by the party to campaign in the states going for the polls.
> “Basically, the concerned BJP state unit will stress on the local agenda.
> But, if I am invited for the campaign, the concept of good governance and
> the party won the Goa polls will be placed before the electorate”, he
> Replying to a query, Parrikar said this concept gave the party a majority
> Goa, in the sense that its tally of seats increased from 10 to 18 now.
> Asked to outline his views on Hindutva, the Chief Minister said “I feel
> one is a Hindu who believes in India. It is a way of life”, adding that
> concept is confused lot because of thinking in English.

(GS) The Chief minister must understand that his BJP has not won the Goa
Polls. He is misleading the people who do not know. The BJP only increased
their tally. If the coalition partners withdraw their support , he goes. The
UGDP, today, must do just that in revolt for his pro Marathi stance or else
it will be known that Manohar Parrikar has purchased the UGDP.

> Parrikar accused the Congress in Goa for raking up the Gujarat carnage
> the last elections. “Though it affected the Congress themselves, the issue
> definitely created a fear psychosis in the minds of the minorities”, he
> asserted.

(GS) The Congress was right. When such a carnage is  supported by the
government and its Chief Minister, it becomes ethnic cleansing which is
unprecedented. On that basis, Goans should have rejected the BJP. But this
has not happened because Goans are Goans. No priorities, only self
interests. During his stint in the BJP's campaigning in other states for the
coming elections, he must warn the voters to check for their  names on the
electoral rolls for good measures. That would be pro-good governance

> Justifying his claim, the CM said otherwise, he added that Assembly seats
> such as those of Mormugao, St Cruz, Calangute etc would not have gone to
> Congress.
> He said the BJP is trying to get to the minorities and convince them that
> BJP is not against them. “Unfortunately, our attempts have not fructified
> way we wanted”, he admitted and blamed the media, specially the English
> newspaper. “The English media has not been favourable for us in taking the
> message to the minorities”, he lamented.

(GS) Manohar Parrikar cannot operate in isolation from his national leaders
who have endorsed Hindutva as their election card.
As a way of life, Hindutva is ineffective and impotent and most advocates of
Hindutva would abandon it otherwise.

> He again blamed the English media when when it was pointed out to him the
> is being dubbed as the communal party.

(GS) The BJP is not being dubbed as a communal party. It is a confirmed
communal party which deserves de-recognition as a mainstream national
political party.

> Parrikar said the party is now concentrating on the membership drive,
> has now crossed the one lakh figure. “The party is making a concerted
> to get the voters registered as members”, he informed.

(GS) A stick and a Carrot policy. Nothing else.
Which Goans will not sell himself to the BJP or anyone else  if promissed
jobs in the government?
Manohar Parrikar should be ashamed to talk like this to the literate Goans.

> On the party’s failure to make inroads in some of the constituencies in
> Salcete and whether the party would go in for seat adjustments in the
> Parrikar said “the BJP would not mind entering into strategic seat
> adjustments with other outfits”.

(GS) There are always judases who will sell themselves for a few pieces of
silver, like Dr. Wilfred D'Souza, Churchill Alemao or for that matter even
Luizinho Faleiro. And, mostly, Manohar Parrikar can count on them for their
un-ending support.

> Asked whether it would consider adjustments with the United Goans
> Party in Salcete, he said “right now, both the party have come together to
> form the present government. A number of things need to be sorted out
> the two parties fight the polls jointly”.

(GS) At best the UGDP must pin Manohar Parrikar down to a 'one state
language' issue. If he evades, he should be dropped. The survival of the
UGDP will depend on this vital issue which concerns the future of Goa and
Goans. Not because of anything else but only to remove the cancer of this
language dispute  from the minds of Goans.  The UGDP, and for that matter,
the Congress must remember that they have been looked upon as Goan Parties
who would naturally uphold the interests of the Goan Konkani people. They
must fight to secure the  sole official language status for Konkani by
deleting the Marathi diluting clause from the Act altogether, just like
Maharashtra and the Maharashtrians fought bloody battles to neutralise
Morarji Desai's designs to impose Gujarati on Maharashtra to make it an
officially bilingual state. Have the Mergerist of Goa forgotten this? Anyone
who wants Marathi to enjoy equal official status with Konkani as a state
language of Goa should be considered as a traitor of Goa and Goans.

> He said the BJP would tie up with others to see that scamsters and corrupt
> leaders are defeated. “Last time, Somnath and Mauvin Godinho learnt the
> lesson. The BJP now has on the list leaders like Luizinho Faleiro and
> Dayanand Narvekar”, he said.

(GS) It is unfortunate that the people of Goa has tolerated the scamsters as
they did. Put it down to being faithful. Put it down to downright apathy.
Put it down to irresponsibility towards their state and the future of their
own children. Put it down to outright indefference. But Manohar Parrikar has
used these scamsters in the best way he could and is now ready to discard
them as pieces of soiled rags. They deserve what they get. They have gotten
away with murder for far too long.

> Replying to a query, he said the BJP does not intend to ditch anyone. Our
> history on coalition politics is very clear, he added.

(GS) How can it??  The coalition partners are the BJP's bread and butter.
And in this, the long term interest of Goa and Goans does not figure.

The stand of  the "Goa Su-Raj Party" on the Official Language issue of the
State of Goa is that:

1. Konkani is the sole Official Language of Goa.
2. It must be  respected as such in all the  official correspondence of the
Government of Goa.
3. The status given to the Marathi Language in Goa's Official Language Act
must be deleted.
4. Goa must remain one independent state with 'Konkani' as its official

Goans please note that the  Goa Su-Raj Party will fight the next Assembly
Elections on the sole platform of the Language issue as per its stand above,
of securing Goa's identity for good and of working towards fulfilling the
Goan dreams of  making Goa the "AMCHEM BANGARACHEM GOEM"  through  "Good

Floriano Lobo

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