
Please reply to "Neil Alvares" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "Neil Alvares" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Feature by Haroon Siddiqui
> Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003 09:41:45 +0530
> I think this report of a Turned-around State by Mr.
> Siddiqui is simply 
> amazing, and it would be a great idea if it found it's
> way into our local 
> dailies to show what great-minded men can do, with or
> without charisma.  
> Having been brought up in the beautiful city of
> Hyderabad during the Nizam's 
> rule, I saw it's slow deterioration and  the chaos
> existing on it's 
> once-beautiful roads decades later.   If Chandrababu
> Naidu could make this 
> sort of a turn-around  in Hyderabad, couldn't like
> minded people do it in 
> ours?   Could a copy of this reach our Technocrat C.M.
> please, to let him 
> know that even one man with any gumption and enough
> power can make miracles 
> happen for the good of all!
> Charlotte Alvares

Ciao - Bosco
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