
URL             :  http://www.goacom.com/news/clippings/a4/fontainhas4.html

                                Some scenes 
                                  from the
                      Fontainhas Festival of the Arts
                                02 Feb 2003
      Francis D'Souza has been admired very much for the new series of
                 paintings he has exhibited at the Festival
                         Francis's arresting work.
                Dainty wax and other work by Carol Rodrigues
     81-year-old Galdino D'Souza from Socorro only paints these type of
                   pots and traditional Goan kitchenware
      Visitors of all kinds: Jonas from Sweden, who toured the area on
                               roller skates.
    Work of Girish Gurjar, who has settled in Fontainhas, and excels in
                 watercolour landscapes and illustrations.
       Fontainhas lasses with attractive tile work in the background.
     Harsh Bhatkule, who has been responsible for the layout of the Goa
   Heritage Action Group's beautiful posters, brochures and other printed
     Former soccer international and wellknown artist Yolanda de Souza
               Kammermeier on her favourite subject--soccer.
    Liesl Cotta de Souza's beautiful embroidery work at the Fundacao Art
         Rajan Fulari's installation: Musical chairs in the Garden
   Raj Bhandhare alongside his creative work which generally goes on the
                    very popular T-shirts that he does.
      Harshada Kerkar Sonak's lovely work at Percival Noronha's House
     Rajiv D'Silva and Cesar Pinto (back to the camera) in conversation
        Versatile rockstar Remo regales the audience with evergreen
                    favourities on the penultimate day.
                     Going tradition with the flute...
     Admirers at the Fundacao Art Gallery watching Querozito de Souza's
                       Goan Pop for Fontainhas proper
             An exquisite painting by Sonia Rodrigues Sabharwal
                        Paintings at Saldanha house
                   Lima house, the focus of all attention
                    People relaxing on roadside benches
           Subodh Kerkar's work, mostly from steel scrap material
         Charchoal portrait by Mapusa-based artist Rajendra Usapkar
                Ceramic sculpture by Verodina Ferrao D'Souza
                         Another canvas by Usapkar
    Apurva Kulkarni, Dr Gustavo Pinto and Alexyz at the artists' regular
                        haunt "Hotel de Bernadette"
   Today is February 2, and after a weeklong, fascinating experience all
     the artists will disperse, carrying with them the memories of the
    highly successful and unique Fontainhas Festival of the Arts, which
   was organised by the Goa Heritage Action Group in association with the
    Government of Goa and the Panjim Municipal Council. I was there too
    with a dozen digital photographs, which people seemed to have liked.
   It was a very satisfying experience to be amidst so many artists and a
            continuous flow of visitors at the memorable event.
                                                             Joel D'Souza

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