
Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
Saligao residents up in arms against commercial ventures.
Residents of Saligao living near the famous Salmona spring are up in arms,
vowing to protect the spring and the land around it as protected forest.
The residents have objected to the hill cutting there, blockade of
a traditional pathway and the illegal construction, all done separately
by two local parties ostensibly with commercial projects in mind.

Uniting under the banner of the "Salmona Pariyavaran Manch,"
(Salmona Environment Forum) Saligao residents have resolved
to make the area into a conservation zone with the following provisions.
No construction, no tree cutting, no hunting and killing of wild life,
no garbage dumping and not even provision of street lighting.

They also resolved to stop vehicle washing at the spring and to phase out
the toilet activity of the hill to reduce pollution in the area with the
immediate installation of Sulabh Souchalayas for each house.

The Forum has already escalated the matter to the Chief Minister,
Mr Manohar Parrikar. They informed him that the Salmona Spring area,
a fragile eco-system rich in bio-diversity, is proposed to be included
in the category of "Private Forest" under a recent Supreme Court
judgment on Writ Petition number 202 of 1995.

The residents of Salmona live at a height and public water supply
is available only to a few houses at the lower level. "We depend entirely
on the spring water," said Ms Malvi Tayaji, a housewife who lives there.
"If they block our access and put up private commercial establishments
there, we are finished."

Another housewife, Ms Prema Daujekar says that at times, the spring water
smells due to the rampant dumping of garbage from the coastal belt
on the Saligao plateau where the spring originates. "Once about 150 cattle
died on the hill after consuming the garbage. It affected the spring
and our drinking water quite badly," she says.

And 83-year old Mr Francis D'souza attributes his long years to drinking
the Salmona spring water. "The water has medicinal properties and it nurtures
many medicinal herbs," he states. "The water and the herbs can cure
eczema, jaundice and even spondilysis," he says.

According to Mr Richard Heaver, an ornithologist and consultant
to the World Bank, the Salmona Spring area is known internationally
as one of the best bird watching sites of Goa. "Some scare species
come here to roost. One is the Brownwood Owl," says Mr Heaver.

Residents recently took reporters on a site visit to the spring and
showed the illegal tree cutting, and the blockade of the traditional access.
While the blockade has been demolished and other activity kept in
abeyance through the intervention of the authorities, residents
have urged the government to save the Salmona Spring, its surroundings
and also to stop the dumping of garbage on the hill.

The Forum has also written to the Forests Minister, Mr Vinay Tendulkar,
the Chief Conservator of Forests and the local Panchayat besides
apprising various environmental NGOs of the threat to the Salmona Spring area.
The Navhind Times 2/02/03 page 3

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