
Dear Friends,

Over 3,000 XIth Science students will be gifted free computers, this year 
alone, under the ambitious Cyberage Student Scheme at a cost of appx. Rs 
10 crores. Next year the number is likely to increase substantially.

Considering the heavy financial implications this scheme will have for 
the exchequer, Goa’s popular IT magazine – Digital Goa – decided to 
conduct a survey on the effectiveness of this scheme. The result of this 
survey will be published in the next issue of Digital Goa (going to print 
on Tuesday, Feb 5). There are various options given below. You have to 
type the NUMBER of the option you feel appropriate in the ANSWER column.

You may even jot-down your views about the scheme in few lines and we 
will include them in the next issue along with your name. Kindly hit 
REPLY button to send the mail at the earliest so that we can include it 
in this issue and help us to play our role as a watchdog of IT 
communities’ interest.

For Digital Goa

ANSWER (please type the relevant answer here):


What do you think of the Cyberage scheme for students in Goa (under
which Std XI Science students get an almost-free computer) and its

  1. Great idea, great implementation
  2. Great idea, implementation could be better
  3. Great idea, poor implementation
  4. Engineering students given these computers could be better off
  5. Why not give computers to teachers too/instead of students?
  6.If the 3000 computers were shared among 300 schools, we would have
got better results
  7. Tender terms kept out smaller players
  8. XI Science is the wrong time at which to give a student a PC
  9. Transparency in computer deals a still an elusive goal for Goa
  10. Software, OS, optimal issues still remain pending
  11. Why criticize a good initiative?
  12. This is a good start
  13. More views from professionals could have been incorporated
  14. We still quite don't know what's happening...
15. It will adversely affect the IT business community with a drop in
computer sales.


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