
Please mark your calendars and stay tuned...

Preparations are underway for the 2003 NORTH AMERICAN GOAN REUNION to be held July 3-6 
in Los
Angeles.  I visited with some of the organizing committee this week and am pleased at 
their huge
undertaking and the fact that proceeds will benefit Goa Sudharop 
(www.goasudharop.org), a Goan NGO
non-profit based in the USA.   

The average age of the organizing committee is under 30 (!) and they are doing a 
splendid job, led
by Gerry Rodrigues.  This week we went over the details of this convention at dinner 
held at Addi
D’Costa’s Goan/Indian restaurant in the Los Angeles area (the food was like home food 
- really
superb).  Addi’s restaurant (that’s the name) is at 525 South Pacific Highway, Redondo 
California, 90277.  Phone: 310-540-1616.

More details of the convention will be provided in the near future including online 
The grand dinner/dance will be held at the docked QUEEN MARY boat (visit
http://www.queenmary.com/), a truly wonderful event to benefit a good cause.

We will celebrate GOA DAY at the convention and hope Rene Baretto (who has made GOA 
DAY an
international celebration) will join us.

For more information on the Convention, please visit http://www.goacom.com/goa-la/

George Pinto

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