
Dear Aldonkars,
A mail list has been created to interact on issues relating to Aldona and
Aldona Institute (Goa), a registered NGO and recreation club. Cecil
Pinto,Heston Sequeira,Peter Fernandes,Savio Figueiredo and some others have
joined in. Overseas aldonkars are welcome,specially members (current and
prospective )of the Aldona Institute.
Aldona Institute,founded on 19 Nov1967 and registered on 10 October,1972, is
the main forum for physical interaction in aldona.This mail list can be its
counterpart on the net.
 One can subscribe to it by sending a blank email to


 Also, the site can be visited at


You can upload some Aldona pics
 there. Contributions (not financial!) from everyone
 would be welcome.
You  can invite your friends who are connected on thenet to join. Let's keep
the interactions positive.No criticizing for the sake of criticism.
Warm regards,
Miguel Braganza

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