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Please respond to "A. Veronica Fernandes"


According to the latest information coming from Goa
Legislative Assembly debates, heated arguments are put
forth by the supporters of Konkani to Parikar – the
most cunning Chief Minister Goa ever had – the most
communal and anti-Christian.  Unfortunately, in the
Legislative Assembly there is no opposition for
Parrikar.  Those who really supposed to oppose Parrikar
are gone into the arms of Parrikar for the love of
ministerial berths and for other benefits meaning UGDP
traitors.  They were elected not to flirt like
“Pamprelam” with communal BJP.  Voters from Cortalim,
Benaulim and Taleigao should not forgive the UGDP
traitors who betrayed them with Judas kiss. The 
others like Congressmen are become impotent to give a
solid fight to Parrikar.  There are no strong fighters
for the cause of Goa.  Dr. Wilfred D’Souza is creating
some impact but he is not a force to reckon with.  What
little he does currently is not enough to shake
Parrikar.  The little noise he does in support of
Konkani is just to save his skin from the Konkani 
people who supported him. Francisco Sardinha is yet
another unreliable MLA and a Judas from Curtorim who
gave opportunity to Parrikar on silver platter to rule
Goa on communal lines. The Konkani lovers from Cortalim
should reprimand him for creating a way for Parrikar to
foist communal BJP on innocent and secular Goa. During
the language agitation his house was stoned and heavily
damaged. The chamchas of Parrikar from UGDP are acting
like Judases; they are not showing any aggressive
posture in opposing the total 
backing of Parrikar and his Government to Marathi
communalists.  Parrikar is asking for another five
years to settle the language problem.  As a matter 
of fact, in Goa there is no language problem, language
problem has already been settled leading to the
conferring of statehood on Goa.  If there is any 
problem then it is the problem of not implementing
fully the language act by raising Konkani to the
highest peak in Goa.  This is the only problem. But 
if you give another five years to Parrikar then with
the help of communal and anti-Christian forces Parrikar
and his BJP communal folk will allow the 
Maharastrians and other non Goans from Karnataka,
Kerala and other neighbouring states to swallow Goa and
make Konkani speaking, Konkani lovers and Konkani
supporters in Goa in minority.  Once this is achieved,
non-Goans will surely vote against Konkani and there is
every possibility for Maharastrian invaders of Goa to
opt for Marathi and thus Konkani may not only be on par
with Marathi but Konkani may even be replaced with
Marathi.  Earlier it was easier for genuine Goans to
counter the attack of MGP – Dayananda Bandodkar and
Shashikala Kakodkar because during those days genuine
Goans and Konkani lovers were strong enough in good
number to challenge the brute might of MGP.  But that
older generation of genuine Goans is dwindling now and
getting into extinction.  Currently we are in
dilemmatic situation now. 

While so much of debate is going on for and against
Konkani all the expatriate Goans and their associations
mushroomed all over the world are 
keeping their silence on this critical topic. Only
Kuwaitkars thru Kuwait Konknni Kendr have shown their
genuine Goan and true colours in openly protesting and
condemning those who oppose Konkani in Goa.  Where are
all the Goan associations in the Gulf, in Europe, in
USA, in Africa and elsewhere?  Why they kept their
silence over this critical topic?  Are they not aware
that without Konkani,  Goa will be just like a
skeleton? Where are our Goan Clubs and Associations
that are busy in playing soccer matches, celebrating
feast of Goencho Saib, organizing Tiatros, dances like
May Queen Ball, Easter Ball, Carnival Ball, X’Mas Ball,
New Year Ball and all other balls?  Is our horizon
surrounded around these topics only?  Why we cannot
raise our voice forcefully and openly against the
Parrikar Government for trying to dethrone Konkani from
its due chair?  Where are all those Websters 
and Netters who are groaning in deep sleep and only
dreaming of Goa? Where are those who try to liberate
Goa by residing in the West holding borrowed 
passports?  Those who raise the issue of liberating Goa
are living, in reality, fools paradise.  In theory it
is possible to liberate Goa but practically it is
impossible.  Many among the generation of our age that
has witnessed everything great in yesteryears Goa will
surely crave for an independent Goa instead of seeing
the current rotten Goa filled with rotten Goan
politicians and inhabited by rotten non-Goans who have
brought their rotten influence in immaculate virgin
Goa.  I too would love to have independent Goa but will
it be really possible?  Very shortly people like me
will die and go and the next generation after us will
not be interested in protecting anything great in Goa
of the type we enjoyed in the past.  The voice of
“liberate Goa” will be heard only for a short period
and that too from isolated fools like me.  Instead we
must work for “something better than nothing”.  The
deGoanisation process is in full swing in Goa.  This
has to be arrested first by arresting the imposition of
Marathi on Goa by BJP and MGP combined.  Instead of
liberating Goa from Bharati clutches let us first try
to liberate the soul of Goa – that is Konkani - from
Marathi.  If we do not save today Konkani from Marathi
then we are going to lose 
everything in Goa.  Come on now you the so called Goa
lover Goans and raise your voice loudly against the
campaign carried forward by BJP Government headed by
Parrikar in collaboration with MGP elements and the
traitors from UGDP.  Those who claim to be Goans but
not supporting Konkani are enemies of Goa.  If you are
really Goan then you must support Konkani otherwise
what is the use of calling yourself a Goan?. 

Since the advent of Internet I see so many Goans only
harping about Goa but when their turn come for
supporting genuine Goan cause they quietly escape 
from their responsibility and yet shamelessly they call
themselves Goans. It is a shame that even a small token
of protest note they can’t send on their 
behalf. In fact, I have no confidence that the West
settled Goans will do anything for the cause of Konkani
which is the soul of Goa because during 
the Konkani language agitation they did nothing
worthwhile for the support of Konkani and Konkani
martyrs.  They can only boast of their financial 
status from the West and adopted land with adopted
foreign Passports.  They have no genuine love for Goa
and Konkani. Very many of them are guilty of disposing
of their land and houses in Goa to the enemies of Goa
and migrate to the West saying “amkam ani amcheam
burgeank Goem nakam”, in such a case how can you expect
their support for Goa and Konkani? Now they shed
crocodile tears in the name of Goa only because
Internet is a free forum to scribble something, that
scibbling is meant not to support the Goa cause but 
to support their promotion.  The little charitable work
some of them they do in the name of divinity is also to
show their pompousness in the name of God.  They forget
what Bible said  “what you give in your right hand –
your left hand should know not” 

A. Veronica Fernandes, 

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