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The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) today (Feb 22) resolved to launch a peaceful State -wide agitation to protest against the Government's failure to notify the two exemptions to the helmet rule as mooted by the former Transport Minister Pandurang Raut in consultation with Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar in March 2001.

The two exemptions are persons driving motorcycles at a speed not exceeding 40 km and persons driving motorcycles in municipal areas. A meeting of MAG chaired by Convenor Premanand Lotlikar decided to launch the agitation with a public meeting at Institute Menezes Braganza hall, Panaji on 1st March at 10 am. It was also decided to hold public meetings at Margao, Mapusa, Vasco, Ponda,
Curchorem and Bicholim as part of the first phase of the agitation.

The meeting also decided to hold peaceful demonstrations at all official functions of Transport Minister Transport Pandurang Madkaikar from 1st March in protest against Transport Minister going back on
his assurance to notify the two exceptions to the helmet rule. The meeting strongly felt that precious lives would be saved not by wearing helmets but if the government cared to deal with the causes of

The meeting felt that though most States had abandoned the helmet rule the Government of Goa was once again raking the helmet issue at the instance of some police and transport department officials who for monetary gains in connivance with the helmet manufacturer's lobby were trying to desperately enhance the sale of helmets.

The meeting regretted that though Chief Minister had assured the Goa Assembly almost two years ago that Stray cattle would be cleared from our roads and highways, nothing has been done to date and
that besides one lakh stray dogs chasing two wheeler in particular are a cause for many accidents.
The meeting condemned police action in harassing two-wheeler riders but turning a blind eye to the reckless traffic violations by four wheelers especially the rash and negligent buses and trucks which were the cause of major deaths on roads.The meeting felt that if the Government was really
interested in road safety the first step would be to end the rampant corruption in the police and
transport departments.

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