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The Goa Hit-Rakhan Manch, a state-wide body of students and youth committed to assert right of locals over Goan resources and identity, will hold its first general public rally in Panaji on 27 February, with a slogan - Goans First.

Addressing a press conference in this regard, the GHM spokesperson Prashant Naik said around 3000 youth from all over the state, especially from the hinterland, will gather in the capital to assert their right over employment opportunities being created in the state.

The GHM activists have been gheraoing the departmental heads whenever the clauses of 15-year domicile and essential knowledge of Konkani were deleted while inviting applications for government jobs. "The trend still continues and we need to show the wrath of the younger generation now", said Naik.

The need of the hour is therefore to sensitise the Goan youth and make them aware of their rights and duties. At the same time, the Government and the political parties should be clearly told in one voice that now it is "Goans First" and that the youth of Goa will not tolerate any attempts to play with their identity, culture and economic interests, warned Naik.

According to him, after 43 years of liberation, the youth cannot tolerate that jobs in government, semi-government and private sector are still denied to qualified Goans, to accommodate outsiders. Priority for local youth in employment should be the agenda of all the political parties and the government, he added.

Purnanand Chari, the GHM convenor, alleged that politicians and vested interests are continuing to divide Goans by raking up the outdated language and religious controversies rather than making use of Konkani as the official language to assert our right over our own resources. If the youth is not oriented and guided properly, then Goa and Goans will lose their right on their land, language and resources while Goa will lose its secular character and the tradition of communal peace and harmony, he feared.

The rally is being organised, he said, at a crucial juncture when around 15,000 government jobs are going to be created by 2006, due to two VRS schemes and the general number of retirement that is taking place for the first time after 40 years.

"Goans could not board the bus in '60s since the required talent was not available, immediately after liberation. But they should not miss the bus again due to faulty policies. Even inviting industries without creating the required and qualified local manpower would not benefit the state", he observed.

A teacher by profession, Chari also observed that educational curriculum is not designed to take care of manpower. Land is a scarce input in Goa and hence needs to be used with care and caution. Self-employment is another area, which the youth should put to gainful use. There is a vast potential in agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, handicrafts and traditional occupations, provided they are properly motivated and guided by the concerned state bodies, he opined.

Adding further, Naik also brought to the notice that some politicians are once again digging the skeletons of Vishal Gomantak while humiliating Konkani, Goa's official language, calling it a dialect of Marathi. He condemned the government for providing political and financial patronage to such attempts of anti-constitutional and anti-regional elements.

The GHM, in the rally, would put forward the following demands:

1. Strengthen provision of 15-year domicile clause to avoid bogus certificates
2. Evolve methods of oral and written examinations of Konkani and appoint competent persons on interview panels to verify candidate's Goan identity
3. Impose both the recruitment rules in all the semi-government institutions as well as aided institutions, especially educational institutions and Goa University
4. Create infrastructure to train local manpower simultaneously in Goan-friendly industries, as soon as the work of constructing the industry begins
5. Frame new Industrial Policy, Employment Policy and Education policy that could plan out job-oriented education and Goan-friendly industry in a co-ordinated manner
6. Evolve a well-knot policy, combined with actual execution at production and marketing level, for restoring agriculture and traditional occupations
7. Create self-employment and entrepreneurship avenues with orientation set-up and infrastructural facilities
8. Enact Land Ceiling Act
9. Stop finances for any anti-national act that insults our constitutional and official language as a dialect and creates confusion that benefits the ongoing process of influx of outsiders.

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