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On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, [iso-8859-1] Bernado Colaco wrote:

> What we have is a large bharati toilet in the making!

Bernado, You have the freedom to say what you believe, but not to insult 
people so losely via a public forum. Such provocative and simplistic 
arguments are hardly going to convince anyone about the logic, if any, 
behind your words. Meanwhile, let me appeal to the silent majority of 
Goanet to send in their views so that the debate doesn't get drowned in 
the extemism of a few. If you feel some arguments are going off the 
top, say so. FN
Frederick Noronha    : http://www.bytesforall.org : When we speak of free
Freelance Journalist : Goa India 403511           : software we refer to
Ph 0091.832.409490   : Cell 0 9822 122436         : freedom, not price.

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