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Today Friday 4th April 2003 is the 16th day of the war against Iraqi regime. For the last 3 days there was no concern for any danger for life and property in Kuwait. During the last 3 days I only once heard the sound of Sirens for few minutes and that’s all, no panic, no danger. After the last low level Missile hit Kuwait Shopping Centre, Kuwait has now installed special defense system to intercept any low or very low altitude missiles fired by the enemy. With the installation of this defensive system Kuwait is now very safe according to the authoritative expert opinion. Though check points are erected at many places in Kuwait and special military armed guards and vehicles are posted in different locations yet if one observes carefully, it does not look like the war is going on at the border of Kuwait. Once again I reiterate that there is absolutely no panic in Kuwait, people as usual move about day and night, everyone is involved and engrossed in his work, shopping centres and other amenities providing centres and locations are functioning smoothly. People are going on their scheduled vacations and those who have completed their terms of vacation are returning back in normal flights. Through this newsletter I convey my message to our people in Goa and to all concerned people that in Kuwait we by the grace of God are all safe, so also this country Kuwait is safe.

While I am writing these lines everyone listening to Radio news and watching TV updates must be aware that allied forces have already penetrated into the most important and strategic place of Iraq that is Baghdad by capturing Saddam International Airport from Iraqi regime. Allied forces have seiged this Ariport and renamed it as Baghdad International Airport. The name of Saddam is deleted. This will be the first step to eradicate the traces of Saddam name in Iraq. Even many of the big posters and monuments are removed from Iraq by the coalition forces and by those Iraqis who oppose Saddam’s regime. It is 16th day today allied forces are bombing and capturing more and more Iraqi places but surprisingly there are no physical traces of Saddam Hussein and his colleagues with the exception of Information Minister who is become mouthpiece of Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. As I said earlier Saddam Hussein is a coward and that he is coward is known now thru his disappearance. He knows only to issue threats and create fear into the minds of the people though he is capable of executing these threats against his people only and those whom he captivated. In 1990 August, four days after the invasion of Kuwait when American troops started pouring in Saudi Arabia to protect the Kingdom from possible Iraqi invasion, Saddam thought the same troops will come to Kuwait to evict his invading force and issued such a stern threat to America saying “if American troops enter Kuwait, I will convert Kuwait into a graveyard”. That time this threat was enough for us to get chills into our marrow. The defeating dictators mostly use such empty threats. Even Salazar just before 19th December 1961 when Goa was still under Portugal and while Bharati Government under the so called non-violent Nehru was preparing to send his violent troops to march over Goa, issued such threat saying “I will destroy Goa and turn into nothing instead of giving it as it is into the hands of Bharat” These threats of Salazar were daily echoed on Emissora de Goa ( Panjim Goa Radio) in Portuguese and Konkani. But finally nothing happened. What Salazar regime did that time in Goa exactly the same thing Saddam’s regime is doing now in Iraq. The Salazar regime in Goa put Bombs at most of the bridges in Goa and also at some of the strategic locations, some were exploded creating panic all around while others were diffused by the Bharati troops after they occupied peaceful Goa. In this same manner Saddam Hussein regime is also putting bombs and mining Iraqi bridges and strategic locations because Saddam Hussein knows that he stands to lose nothing even if the entire Iraq turns into pieces because he has no love for Iraq nor for Iraqi people. Even when he put fire to over 600 Oil Wells in Kuwait while retreating from Kuwait he lost nothing because ultimately he had to leave from Kuwait which belonged to Kuwaitis. But as a Muslim he should be held responsible for destroying the wealth of Muslims and meant for Muslims development.

Is Saddam Hussein really a good Muslim? From the TV news I saw him many times praying devoutly thereby giving an impression that he is a devout practicing Muslim. But will a good practicing Muslim commit the atrocities against humanity and against his own people as he is committing? It is against Muslim religion to maltreat the captured Prisoners of War. He does not even respect the sanctity of religious places – Mosques. On the 2nd August 1990 when his troops invaded Kuwait, at Abbasiya his troops fired at one Mosque and destroyed the beautiful dome of that holy Mosque. While he can reach to this low ebb why he will not use religious places as base for fighting? His rise is the responsibility of the Arabs and Muslims. From the time he ascended to the throne of Iraq about 35 years back he always craved for becoming the hero of Arabs and keeping this in mind he took advantage of Camp David Agreement for peace signed between the late Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin – Israeli Premier. Branding Sadat as anti Arab he played dirty tricks to demolish Sadat’s popularity from Arab arena by maligning him as anti-Arab for signing that agreement with Jewish Israel. Saddam that time tried to replace Sadat and become himself a hero in Arab world. But Sadat was Sadat, there is no replacement for him and the vacuum created by his untimely assassination thru the bullet of his own Arab soldier is not so far filled and I doubt it will be ever filled.

While I am writing these lines CNN is showing films of Saddam Hussein freely roaming in Iraq in the midst of Iraqi people. I have seen many films of Saddam Hussein and according to my observation he is not a real Saddam Hussein and even if he is the film is not a current one but old one as he looks very youthful like the one during the period of invasion of Kuwait. These are all fake pictures and as such we cannot believe them. In one such picture Saddam Hussein is shown holding a small baby thereby giving an impression that he is a lover of children. But as a matter of interest during the last five years about five lakhs children are died in Iraq due to the negligence by Iraqi regime which did not care for the health of children. Saddam Hussein is good for fooling the already brain washed Iraqi people. This is one of the tricks he and his alive colleagues are using to fool the Iraqi people and such foolery how long will last? Only time will tell the truth and that time is not far, it is coming closer and closer.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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