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On Fri, 4 Apr 2003, Tim de Mello wrote:

> There is no "perhaps" here. Iraqi oil will be used to finance the US led
> illegal invasion of Iraq. And the US will pressure Kuwait to cough up a few
> billion for "protection money".
> In 1991, the Saudis, who foolishly joined the alliance were presented with a
> bill of approx. $42 billion. To say they were surprised would be putting it
> mildly. Guess why they have not joined the alliance this time. The balance
> of the money for that war came from Kuwait - "because they invited the US
> in". Nice for the US who were able to test out their latest weapons of mass
> destruction against a third world people at little or no cost to themselves.
> The US has to recover about $80 billion to cover the cost of this invasion.
> Other than Kuwait, the only other source of revenue will be Iraqi oil.

...and the Iraqi funds in the US, which were recently unfrozen and siezed.
I hear that the US is trying to force Switzerland to doing the same, but
so far the Swiss have resisted.

Tariq Siddiqui
 Rockets Lover!
 Laker Hater !!!

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