On Wed, 28 May 2003 20:03:31 -0700 (PDT), Samuel Domingo

16 years after attaining statehood Goans can be proud of historic day

Sometime in the month of April, 1987, we were having a small dinner party, at
Panjim, at the residence of our host Dr Vijay Thali, renowned stage artist and,
the then General Secretary of the Goa Pradesh Congress Committee. Myself, Mr
Eduardo Faleiro, who were both Lok Sabha members and Mrs Sulochana Katkar and a
few office-bears of the Congress Party were invitees. During the course of a
discussion at the party, I said to Mrs Katkar and Mr Faleiro that during the
budget session (which was on at that time), I propose to raise the issue of
statehood, and that, as a preparatory step, a delegation of Congress leaders in
Goa have to meet former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. It is only if he gives
green signal that I intend to go ahead with the matter and raise the same during
Zero Hour, I told Mr Faleiro and Mrs Katker.

In fact, since my election to the Lok Sabha in December 1984, I had two major
objectives in my mind one, that of achieving statehood for Goa, and the other,
of inclusion of Konkanni in the eight schedule of the constitution. I was
successful as regards Konkanni only after my term as a MP was over, and, became
the President of Goa PCC. It being a different story, I may narrate it on some
other appropriate occasion.

During the entire period of 1984 and 1985, I left no opportunity of raising the
issue with Rajiv Gandhi be it during private meetings, dinner meetings or tea
gatherings or at Parliamentary Party foras. Each time, I got an encouraging
response from the ever smiling Prime Minister. However, I always refrained
myself from raising the issue specifically in the Lok Sabha as, I knew that
until and unless a decision is taken, I can only expect a negative reply.

Therefore, by the time we left Dr Thali's dinner party it was decided that Mr
Pratapsing Rane, the then chief minister, should be requested to lead a
delegation to Rajiv Gandhi in this connection.Before that on 27th March, 1987,
Mr Chintamani Panigrahi, the then Union Minister of State for Home Affairs while
intervening in a debate, held on a private member's Constitutional Amendment
Bill moved by me to provide for Public Service Commission for the Union
Territory of Goa, Daman & Diu, referring to the speech of Mrs Phulrenu Guha, a
senior MP from West Bengal, who had asked Mr Panigrahi to give me a firm
assurance that the minister would bring in a bill to constitute Public Service
Commission in Goa before asking me, routinely, to withdraw the bill, said that
he would give me something more as a result of which, I will automatically
withdraw the bill. And therefore, while finally replying to the postponed debate
on 10th April, Mr Panigragrahi made a startling revelation that Prime Minister
Rajiv Gandhi is seriously considering granting of statehood to Goa. The news was
carried by all national and local dailies.

As I had decided to do something concrete in the House in the year 1987, in the
matter of statehood, after doing private lobbying for first two years, I had
given a notice of a private member's Bill demanding statehood for Goa in the
beginning of the budget session. The bill was scheduled for introduction on 24th
April, 1987, and, I did it with great enthusiasm on that day as, the bill
although was slated merely for introduction, prevailing circumstances made it
more relevant. Again, the next day, national and local dailies gave prominence
to the introduction of bill.

On 26th April, in his Stray Thoughts Rajan Narayan wrote, In fact if there is
one Goan politician whom I admire, it is Mr Shantaram Naik. Though Mr Shantaram
Naik is from North Goa, parts of which are a Marathi stronghold, he has time and
again, demonstrated that he is a politician with principle.

Incidentally, the proposed meeting of Congress delegation with Prime Minister
Rajiv Gandhi, idea of which was mooted by me at Dr Thali's residence,
materialised on 28th April,87.The delegation comprised Chief Minister Pratapsing
Rane, his cabinet colleagues Shaikh Hassan Haroon, Dr Proto Barbosa, Harish
Zantye, Francisco Sardinha and Vaikhunt Dessai, Assembly Speaker Dayanand
Narvenkar, Eduardo Faleiro, the then Union Minister of State for External
Affairs, Purshottam Kakodkar, myself, Monte Cruz Vice-President of Goa PCC (PCC
President Mrs Sulochana Katkar could not remain present being unwell)and Youth
Congress President Mouvin Godinho.

Mr Faleiro, who spoke, primarily on behalf of the delegation briefed Mr Gandhi
about the long pending demand of the Goans, and that, if he (Rajiv Gandhi)
grants permission, Mr Naik proposes to raise it in the House.

Mr Gandhi looked at me and told me to meet him during Question Hour on the next
day.Next day, a few minutes before 11 am, which is the time for the Lok Sabha to
begin, I went to the chamber of the Speaker Balram Jhaker and, briefed him about
previous day's development and said that I was likely to raise issue of Goa's
statehood in case I get green signal from the prime minister. Speaker assured me
about his co-operation.

Accordingly, as soon as Lok Sabha assembled, I went near Rajiv Gandhi's seat and
reminded him about the previous day's discussions. Rajiv Gandhi told me to wait
for a while, as he said, he wanted to talk to Home Minister Buta Singh in that
connection. I went and occupied my seat. Since Buta Singh did not turn up for
quite sometime, I went to his office in the Parliament House itself and told Mr
Singh that Mr Gandhi was waiting for him. The Home Minister said that he was
expecting someone in his office, and that, he would come to the House soon. I
occupied my seat again. It was almost 11.50 and there was no sign of Buta Singh.
I thought I was loosing a great opportunity. But, to my surprise, at 11.55, Mrs
Sheila Dixit, the then Minister of State attached to the Prime Minister&#65533;s
office, came to my seat carrying the message of Rajiv Gandhi. She said Rajivji
had asked you to raise the issue. My joy knew no bounds. I went and occupied one
of the front benches and as soon as the Speaker uttered the words, Question Hour
is over, I was on my seat to mention the issue. As soon as I finished mentioning
the demand of Goans for statehood, the Speaker looked at the Prime Minister and
asked whether he wanted to respond, to that, Rajivji got up and conceded my
demand for statehood on the spot and I remained spell bound. It was 29th April,
1987, a day I am, and will always be, proud of. It was quite unusual for a Prime
Minister to announce a decision of this magnitude during Zero Hour. I was
sometimes sarcastically branded as Hero of Zero Hour in Goa. Protagonists of
merger left no opportunity to undermine my work but I kept myself cool all the

Subsequently, the bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 8th May, 1987. It was
passed by Lok Sabha on 11th May and by Rajya Sabha on 12th May. In the Lok
Sabha, when the bill came up for discussion, I pointed out to Mr Sharad Dighe
that the name of the Bombay High Court whose jurisdiction was proposed to be
extended to Goa, was being changed to High Court of Maharashtra and Goa. Mr
Dighe rushed to Buta Singh and demanded an amendment restoring the original name
of the Bombay High Court. However, the bill was passed in the Lok Sabha without
anmendment but in the Rajya Sabha government moved an amendment to restore the
original name of Bombay High Court, which amendment, had to be approved by the
Lok Sabha subsequently.

Goa thus came into being on 30th May, 1987.

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