Mr. Magno like I, have been experiencing difficulties to post on goa net. 
We are reminded to post using Plain instead of HTML. I have contacted the 
carrier, AOL who inform me that HTML is a superior language to plain and they have 
switched to HTML but this does not help a netter to post on Goa Net. The 
newest version of AOL - 8.0 uses HTML and I am compelled to use AOL.5.0 as I feel 
I am in a 1945 model T Ford who cannot drive a Caddillac 2003 because the road 
is too narrow. I may be wrong. 

      I would appeal to the Admin. of goa-net to rework their software to 
make it easier for netters to post using HTML. I can understand Bosco and Viviana 
when they write to explain why postings cannot be sent,


   Edgar Martins

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