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In a message dated 4/12/2003 7:50:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> But we cannot allow this 'high Goan art form' called
> 'chat' to die!!! Some who are not following that 
> tête-à-tête may more likely call it banter (pirachit).

Yes! It is indeed a high Goan art form, without the quotes. It is much more a part of 
our unique Goan culture than any high-minded philosophical discussion is a part of the 
western culture. We really would like everybody to help our poor little Goa and our 
less fortunate Goans. We are indeed very grateful toward those who have enough 
patronizing zeal in them to enable them to do this. The least we could do, however, is 
let those who are not so fortunate, practice their high Goan art forms to the best of 
their modest and limited abilities.



P.S. There really is a Chimbel.

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