Dear Jorge,

Thanks for your note. I want to make pdf of the Prof.
Fernandes's book, Konknni Nad-Xastr, and post it on
goanet. But I also know it's illegal to do as I don't
have the copyright. The Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr
may have a copy.
As for Vaz's comment, I wish a Goa-based netter could
send Tim's Konkani write-up and Vaz's comment to Dr.
Olivinho Gomesm or Fr. Mathew Almeida or to VIxtt and
get their replies.
If I find Fr. Almeida's email id in my archived disks,
I will ask him for his comment.
Till we hear from any on of these people, let's call
this debate off.


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