In a message dated 7/2/03 2:01:32 PM Central Daylight Time, 

>The fact is that some of these 13 members of so called "A committee 
>of cyber-Goans" have a history of being EGOCENTRIC. 
>The hidden agenda may be to offer this prize to the current Chief 
>Minister or someone in a similar position and may not be genuine 
>Goan causes but to get personal gains (definitely not money).
>Cyber-Goans are capable and have a great potentials of doing much 
>better as they have done in the past.

At first I thought Cipriano had genuine concerns about the Goenchem 
prize. But after reading what he wrote in the above post I realize 
that all his fears stem from the fact that he does not like somebody 
on the prize committee. Perhaps, it is really about egos after all - 
bruised egos. I am sorry we can do nothing about that. We cannot 
address the egotistical concerns of one cyber-Goan.

However, what really cracks me up is that Cipriano thinks somehow 
this is a conspiracy to reward Parrikar. Of this I can do something 
about. If Cipriano proves that this is indeed the hidden agenda of 
the prize committee, I would recommend the rest of the members that 
the committee be dissolved and the prize be withdrawn. If he somehow 
proves that I have such an agenda (unbeknownst to me I must say), I 
will publicly apologize for putting people through this charade. 

I wonder if Cipriano feels the need to offer proof before making wild 
accusations. I wonder what he would do if we never gave the prize to 
Parrikar or anybody who can return us any kind of favor. Would he 
then truly represent the "Cyber-Goans who are capable and have a 
great potentials of doing much better as they have done in the past", 
and do something honorable?

In any case, I thank him for at least being charitable enough to tell 
people that we are "definitely not" in it for the money. Perhaps, 
someone else can now accuse us of that.



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