By Raju Nayak
Panaji, June 22 

Indian Express **** Mumbai

TRUST the Konkaniwadis to take the government and the gullible local 
population for a ride. As they fan the firest of regionalism with their 
speeches and thoughts, plans to celebrate the 125th year of the true hero 
of the Konkani movement, Shenoi Goembab, appears to have gone astray.

The Konkani movement has been largely perceived to be the turf of the 
Margao-based Hindu elite.

Resourceful and highly connected people as they are, the leaders managed 
to lobby successfully with the governemnt to form a large committee to 
plan celebrations commemorating Shenoi Goembab's 125th birth anniversary.

But the committee has been merely decorative in nature and has remained on 

Literary works of this personality are yet to be published and the task 
okf conveying his message through schools has been left unaccomplished.

Laments Chandrakant Keni, a leading Konkani writer, "It has been our 
endeavour to publish the works of Shenoi Goembab during the period. Funds 
had also been earmarked for this purpose. Sadly, the entire exercise seems 
to have been delayed unnecessarily."

Stress is only being laid on organising useless populist programmes which 
have served no purpose. It seems that the Konkani stalwarts are indulging 
in a mere eyewash as they rely merely on cosmetic measures.

Not surprisingly then, the Konkani movement is on its death-bed having 
split down the line what with saner and younger elements openly 
questioning the rationale and wisdom of the elders.

The message of Shenoi Goembab would have reached the villages of Goa by 
now had the organisers put in some extra efforts.

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