As usual Edgar has proved his nose is out of joint. I
am a journalist and I edit a paper for South Asians in
>From a journalist's perspective, it's a great story,
since Maretta is a South Asian. Her story and photo
has appeared elsewhere.
I wanted to use the photo and was seeking Joanna's
permission to protect the paper from copyright
infringement. I could have just used the photo from
the internet and she would not know.
Joanna, in an email, said they made an "exception" to
the Indian paper but they withdrawing consent for me
to use.
Joanna said she and Maretta didn't want to be focus of
the story or the debate but she would talk to me on
the issue of same-sex marriage.
I have used her quotes on the issue and also mentioned
the fact that she is married to a South Asian. I
deliberately avoid mentioning Maretta is a Goan.
I also quoted a Goan gay lawyer, Andrew Pinto, who is
a constitutional expert. He speaks from a South Asian
perspective. This is journalism, doing a sotry on
current issues. It's NOT gossip, as Edgar belives.
Maretta has already said what her parents felt on her
marriage. I know her close family members and if I
really wanted to do the story, I would have gone
through them.
Joanna told me to "understand" their issue, and I
respected her wish. I wanted to use the photo as it
would be a good illustration to the story. What's
private about their lives when the story is already on
the internet?
Journalists go to various lengths in getting a story.
Some use deceptive methods. I wanted to give them a
chance to talk.
On the Wenells Rodricke's issue, here are exceprts
from a South Asian gay magazine (June 2003 issue):
Fashion designer Wendell Rodricks's Dec. 26 wedding in
Goa attracted quite a bit of celebrity attention. Not
just because he was a celebrity but also because his
spouse was a man named Jerone. For the ceremony held
in Rodricks ancetral village, celebirty guests flew in
from across the country and a senior consulor of the
French government from Paris, Jerone's home country,
reports Indian Express (Dec. 27 2002).....
Rodricks and Jerome are perhaps the first well-known
celebrity gay couple to seal their love and stand in
the full glare of the public eye...
So whiel Rodricks' and Jerone's ceremony is recognised
on French soil, in India it is not.
In California, two gay Indian men, Ashok Jethanadani
and Arivnd Kumar had married a couple of years ago.
Both are journalists and edit INDIA CURRENTS, a

PS: The post was sent to goanet by mistake. It was a
query and a request to Eddie.


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