This joke was published in the May-June 2003 issue of JIVAN, a Jesuit 
magazine for South Asia, which perhaps suggests that priests today also 
have a sense of humour:

        With so much turmoil in the world, God decided to pay
        a visit to earth to check things out. He strolled into
        a bar and approached the first man he saw. 

        "If you believe in meenough to give me $50," he said,
        "I will grant you eternal life." "Sorry, I'm an 
        atheist," the fellow replied, "and have never really 
        believed in God." 

        God walked up to another man and made the same offer.

        "Well, I'm an agnostic and not really sure if I believe
        in you or not," the guy said, "but here's 50 bucks,
        just in case."

        As the Lord turned away, a third man ran up to him. 
        "I'm the local preacher here and don't really care if
        you're God or not," he said excitedly. "Just teach me
        the trick you did with the agnostic and I'll give you
        $100." (###)

Another report in the same issues says "parents and others" have expressed 
happiness that the Bombay archdiocese has returned to the Jesuits a school 
entangled in a management crisis.

In an official statement on 25 March, Cardinal Ivan Dias of Bombay said an 
"unpleasant situation prevalent" at Campion High School in Mumbai led to 
the decision.

Since mid-February, teachers, parents of children at the school and 
concerned Catholics have staged three protest demostrations alleging 
"mismanagement" of the 60-year-old school. They urged Cardinal Dias to 
reinstate Fr Philip Falcao, who resigned as principal in early February 
citing "failing health", and to remove Guilherme Vaz, the cardinal's 
official representative on the management council, the Jesuit-run UCAN 
news agency reported.

The Bombay Jesuit province opened the school in 1943. It decided in the 
mid-1980s to involve the archdiocese in the school's management so that 
members of the province could focus more on educating the poor inv 

However, the Jesuits withdrew from the administration, "considerably" 
affecting the school's "Catholic ethos", Cardinal Dias said in a 
statement. He said he wanted the Jesuits to take "a more active role" in 
the school management and took up the matter with their superior 

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