The Goan Association of New Jersey picnic

Over $500 was collected for a Tivim "street kids" project
in Goa, at a concelebrated Holy Mass during the annual
members picnic of the Goan Association of New Jersey (GOANJ).

The proceeds will go to the Navjyoti Rehabilitation Center
run by the Sisters Adorers.

The picnic which was held last weekend at the Priceton Country 
Club in WestWindsor, attracted a record 300 -plus members and
non-resident guests from as far off as Toronto, Canada and Atlanta.

During the election of Office Bearers, four members of the
Executive Committee return unopposed for another two-year

They as President - Chris Nunes, Vice-President- Godfrey
Gomes, Treasurer - Felix Menezes and Secretary - Teresa Cordeiro.

Val Moniz was also unopposed for the Managing Editor's slot. She
replaces Bambino Martins who stepped down after being involved
with the Association's newsletter - the "Goan Connection"- since
its inception in the early nineties.

Other highlights of the event included  the Sports events for
children, the ever popular Marrieds versus Singles encounters in
soccer and tug-of-war, and the concelebrated mass by Fr. Basilio
Monteiro (main celebrant), Fr. Evaristo Da Gama and Fr. Joel

And for the first time, the newly formed dynamic Young Goans Group
of New Jersey led by the very versatile -Allen DeGuerra, assisted
the GOANJ in the organizing of the mass. (Allen is a former
President of the Florida Goan Association).

The Group is currently doing a survey on  a Christmas
Tree party for young goan kids in New Jersey. If the results are
promising, they have agreed to assist in running the event in early

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