I think it was the same trip from London to Dubai to
Bombay and return that I made in 1996. I have a
distinct feeling I spoke to a group in London at the
India Club. I alsovisited the Kent Club, but  met no
one. So, probably at the meeting at India Club I may
have suggested the idea.
I don't how "upper crust" the Cordeiro are. In fact,
an aunt of mine is a Cordeiro and also from Saligao.
There's Cordeiro waddo in Saligoa.
But I doubt Lorna's family belonged to the "upper
crust" as when I mentioned the family to some "upper
crust" friends of mine from Saligao they twitched the
As I see it now, if we had collected the money it
would have gone into the booze. 

Eugene Correia

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