On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, George Pinto wrote:

> A question was asked of me by T.J. Rodgers, CEO, of Cypress 
> Semiconductors when I invited him to speak at the University.  This is 
> the question:  who has done more to improve and develop people's
> lives -  Bill Gates or Mother Teresa?  The question is not who is the 
> better person, but who has

George, isn't this question particularly flawed? It restricts our vision 
to the views of two individuals -- Bill Gates and Mother Teresa. People 
across the globe have been adopting different models for taking people 
ahead. How many leaders from outside of the Western world even get the 
attention due for their ideas and approaches? I was myself surprised to 
read The Third World Guide, which gave another perspective on history. 

As someone who's recently got tuned into the Free Software debate (which 
started in the US in the 'eighties and earlier), I think the choice of 
Bill Gates as a role model is particularly inept. We might as well have 
chosen Union Carbide as a model of "social entrepreneurship" -- another 
Western catchword as a solution to fight poverty, in times when its 
continuance ought to be a global scam. FN

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