Once a persons retires on attaining the age of
superannuation ( 75 year ) which the Archbishop of Goa
and Daman has completed in June 2002, he ought to have
relinquished his post and above all Vatican Council
should have relieved him on appointing a well in
advance chosen successor. The belief by Catholics that
the Auxiliary Bishop would succeed him automatically
was incorrect.

During the erstwhile Portuguese era, in keeping with
the policy,  that the religion of the King is that of
its subjects the Archbishop was invited for every
Government function.

This privilege  ought to have been dispensed with as
the Constitution of India does not provide for such
privileges to religious heads notwithstanding its
secular structure. 

But even the  the right-wing Hindu fundamentalist
political coalition that usurped power from a duly
elected Government on 24th October 2000; saw a beaming
Archbishop with the new Chief Minister front-paged on
a Roman script Konkani widely circulted magazine, as
if sanctifying the morally unjust, though technically
and legally constituted  coalition government; This
exposed the gullibility of the Archbishop to political

The ruination of the St Francis de Assisi Chapel and
the now partly damaged Church of Our lady of Springs
"Nossa Senhora da Brotas"  at Anjediva, (still a part
of Canacona Taluka ) which   the  Defence Authorities
failed to safeguard in terms of the Agreement executed
with the Government of Goa  before handing over the
Island to the Naval Sea Bird Project the biggest Naval
Base in Asia, exposed a weak Archdiocese who could not
take up cudgels with the State and Central Government
despite a public outcry;

Closer home in Margao city one can see how the "Santas
Almas" Chapel on the Old Station Road has been
encroached by all and sundry and a helpless Fabrica
mangaing the affairs of this Chapel had through the
faithful  been fighting an almost unsuccessful battle
to clear of the illegal  encroachments;

There are vast lands which belong to the Archdiocese
but there are reports in the Press that large tracts
of land in Tiswadi (Ilhas) has been usurped or have
exchanged hands and the Archdiocese has not been able
to protect the assets.

For too long the Churches in Goa have been used by
successive Governments to solicit tourists but without
working out the economics of maintainence of the
spruced and lit up 4 centuries old Churches;

For too long Catholic priests have been wooed by
unscrupulous financial Institutions to motivate
Catholics to deposit their life savings; unfortunately
these "blessed" institutions were mere fly-by-night
operators fleecing the gullible Catholic Goans mostly
non resident Goans with the "blessings"  of the

For too long the Archdiocese was influenced by
rightwing forces to force the Catholic community
succumb to a non standardised, sanskritised Konkani
which has led to the mushrooming of non Government run
English schools which charge exhorbitant fees
affordable by the rich while those economically
underprivileged have to perforce send their wards to
Konkani medium schools and tuitions.  This unsuspect
acceptance of the Archdiocese of the cunning designs
of the majority few provides self employment to those
conversant with the non standardised sanskritised
Denagiri script Konkani;

For too long the Archdiocese dabbled in politics
without understanding the intricacies of caste based
politics as prevalent in the country  therby coercing
from Church pulpits to the  Catholic community not to
vote for technically & politically legal defectors who
belong to the Catholic community;  They overlooked
those similarly contesting from  majority community;

For too long the Archdiocese has kept the Catholics as
prisoners of their own conscience; that the Church in
Goa, has not kept up with the changing times until a
collective of views were collated during the Synod; is
evident by the fact that various Groups that do not
enjoy the patronage of the Roman Catholic Church have
sprung up in Goa in almost every nook and corner; The
visits to Our Lady of Velankani, Tamil Nadu and now
Pota in Kerala are the manifestation of the failure of
the Archdiocese to provide spiritual solace and an
answer to the social problems affecting the Catholics;

For too long the Archdiocese has been preaching that
Christianity does not believe in social engineering on
caste basis; yet the inner circle of the Archdiocese
are those from the upper-castes; the feasts are still
celebrated caste based; the burials are caste based;
the annual transfers are also caste based and
marriages have caste-based sanctity; Thus the Church
notwithstanding the fact that the present incumbent is
lowly placed in the vertical caste heirarchy of the
Indian social stratification the top advisories
constitute the upper echelons in the caste heirarchy; 

For too long the Archdiocese could not impose its
moral leadership to the Catholic community who have
through the audio and visual media become victims of
materialistic aspirations and are commercialy
exploited; Whatever be the Catholic festival the
Catholics have become gullible to economic forces.
There is an overkill in almost every field lending the
majority community to allege and not without
justification that our Catholic community gullible
attitude has led to the world wide belief that
Catholics in Goa are adherents to the "wine women and
song" life style; this has provdide a good handle to
the rightwing forces to impose de-culturisation of
Catholics to pre-1510 era of "Akhand Bharat"

>From the widely accepted teaching of religious
tolerance and secularism as enshrined in the
Constitution of India the Catholic Church has now
shifted to preaching   " Christianity as the only
religion" and "Jesus Christ the only Saviour of all

A strong and decisive Good Shepherd is therefore the
need of the hour in a communally surcharged atmosphere
owing to polarisation of the citizens on religious
lines and fomenting communal passions. 

The Vatican should note all these points listed before
appointing the new incumbent.

godfrey j i gonsalves
borda - margao - goa INDIA

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