Rahul Alvares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


By Rahul Alvares

I have always been rather fond of snakes. I have been chasing them ever
since I was a kid. My parents therefore let me take a year off from school
in order to help me improve my knowledge about these reptiles. During that
free year I traveled around the country learning snake handling with
Neelimkumar Khaire at the Pune Snake Park and Rom Whitaker and the Irula
tribe at Madras Crocodile Bank.

Most people on the other hand dislike snakes. I have found, however, that
the biggest crowd drawers are always invariably snakes. Whenever I have gone
snake-catching in someone's house or compound, neighbors, housewives,
passers-by and children spontaneously gather around. All claim they detest
snakes or are terrified of them. Yet everyone of them without exception sits
glued to the show, assiduously watching the proceedings. And if I have to
handle a snake near a road, then bikes, cars and even passenger buses will
halt to catch a glimpse of the snake catching session in progress.

What is it that makes reptiles in general -- and snakes in particular -- so
loathed and feared yet so morbidly fascinating as well? What place do snakes
occupy in nature's scheme of things and within our society today? Most
people look upon snakes as dangerous, poisonous, slimy, revengeful and --
most important -- associated in some way with the supernatural. One source
for these feelings is pure superstition passed down from one generation to
the next. The second is movies, originating from both Bollywood and

Though Bollywood usually makes snakes into heroes, they encourage people to
believe that snakes can perform outrageous feats such as opening door
handles by coiling around them, drinking milk when offered to them,
protecting vulnerable heroines and chasing villains, and most famous of all
-- approaching beens when they are played by the actors. The myth about
beens is so firmly entrenched in people that I remember my neighbors
actually turning down their T.V volumes during these been playing scenes,
fearful that the sound would bring snakes into the house! Street-side snake
charmers prey upon these fears for their trade.

Hollywood movies are equally bad. One old famous movie is 'The Black
Stallion'. The first scenes show a boy and a black horse stranded on an
island. The boy is sleeping exhausted on the sand, after having survived a
storm. Suddenly a snake is shown approaching the boy -- obviously to harm
him -- when the horse appears in the nick of time and stomps the snake to
death. The movie 'Anaconda' was a joke. Anacondas don't grow that big, they
don't chase people -- since they are very heavy they move very slowly
-- and they are never that vicious and bloodthirsty. My father recently was
watching a movie called 'Out of Towners', about a township coming up on a
nest of rattle-snakes. He found it creating so many negative feelings in him
about the snakes that he soon turned it off.

India has loads of myths about snakes. I am going to call attention to only
two to three which I believe to be the most notorious.

The first is that snakes -- cobras especially -- are vengeful creatures.
Kill or harm a snake and its mate will track you down over thousands of
miles and years of time to finally find you and pay back.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Snakes have a very small brain used
only for their instinctual life. They lack the capacity to remember or even
distinguish one human from another. Secondly, snakes are petrified of
humans. Even the much dreaded cobra is a coward and will raise its hood only
when frightened or severely provoked. During my eight years of snake
catching I have released hundreds of snakes right behind my house -- with
their teeth intact. None of them has ever returned to harm me.

Another myth concerns Nag Panchami and snake charmers. This year we
celebrated the festival on 2 August. Every year, according to Maneka Gandhi,
sixty to seventy thousand snakes die in Maharashtra and neighboring states
during this festival alone. Cobras and other poisonous snakes have their
fangs pulled out and their mouths bruised and smashed beyond repair. These
snakes are then taken from door to door by snake charmers, their mouths
forced open and milk poured down their throats. Milk is not snake food. It
is more like a poison for them; it has adverse effects on them, choking
them, causing lung infections and finally death.

I find it amazing that adults who pride themselves on their capacity for
rational thought blindly accept such practices. Just ask yourself, where in
the wild would a snake get milk to drink? Snakes do not produce milk. They
do not feed milk to their young ones. Nor will any cow tolerate a snake's
sharp teeth round one of its udders. Yet the entire Indian population is
firmly mired in the belief that snakes must be fed milk!

By the way, though I have used the word snake 'charmer', in actual practice
we find that snakes are incapable of being charmed. Snakes are stone deaf to
air borne sounds, they couldn't possibly hear the snake charmers been if it
were played with an amplifier attached to it. Neither can they hear any of
the commands or mantras of the snake charmer. They respond only
instinctively to the movement of the been as the snake charmer waves it in
front of them. They see an enemy object and they try to scare it away by
hissing or raising their hood. They are not dancing to the music but they
are terrified, raising their hoods only in self defense. Hardly charming
whichever way you look at it!

Once a snake has had the misfortune to land in a snake charmer's basket, it
will never see the wild again and death is just a month or two away. Even if
they are rescued from these snake charmers, they cannot be released into the
wild as they will certainly die; they will be unable to hunt again and fend
for themselves. They need their fangs to inject their prey before they can
feed on it. Snake charmers rarely bother to feed their snakes; they keep
them starving till the day they die of hunger -- which may take anything up
to two months -- or exhaustion, which probably comes earlier. Therefore do
not patronize or give money to snake charmers.

Also remember that misusing snakes for entertainment or rituals is against
the country's wildlife laws which protect besides pythons and cobras, even
ordinary non-poisonous snakes like the rat snake. If you are really
concerned, inform the forest department and have the snake charmer arrested.

Let me give you some honest facts about snakes, their bodies, their powers
and their ecological role.

The body of a snake is covered with dry scales giving it a smooth, glossy,
dry feel (not slimy, as people believe). They have very poor eyesight and
their hearing of airborne sounds is zero, hence they rely on only one major
sense i.e. smell. This they accomplish not with their nose, but with their
tongue instead. You must have noticed how they constantly flick their forked
tongue in and out, while actually they are gathering scents from the air
that can tell them if there is prey or a predator around, and even help them
distinguish between living and nonliving objects. They have in essence
evolved from reptiles, losing their limbs along the way. For all purposes,
they are no different from any of the thousands of amazing animals living

Only four of the two hundred and fifty six species of snakes in India are
considered to be dangerous or fatal. That is the cobra, the krait, the
Russell's viper and the saw-scaled viper. Unprovoked and left alone even
these four will never intentionally accost and bite human beings.

All snakes are carnivorous and hence play an important role in maintaining
the balance of pests such as rats. Rats consume some 30-40% of our grain
every year. In addition they spread dreadful diseases like the plague and
different types of fevers. The only animals able to hunt them down their
burrows are snakes. They are in fact designed for this purpose, hence they
lack limbs. Young snakes feed on a lot of insects as well. Take snakes away
and, some of these harmless insects could explode in population taking to
our fields and homes for their food.

Nature's balances are so complex that they are very often beyond our
understanding. Besides I have always believed that we have no right to kill
or exterminate any animal for that matter. Every organism was put on this
earth with a purpose, and has just as much right as we have to exist
peacefully on this earth. It is only we who classify them with one purpose
in mind -- economical/non-economical.

Moreover snakes are present everywhere, it is just because we don't see them
that we feel that they aren't there. They mind their own business hunting
rats and frogs and living their lives, only occasionally are they so pre
occupied chasing their prey that they enter human homes. This is when we
notice them and assume the worst intensions. Snakes cannot move on smooth
surfaces. They would therefore never enter human homes except by mistake.

Snakes only bite if stepped upon (incidentally that is the best way to get
bitten by a dog as well!) Simple precautions will help you avoid ever having
trouble with them. Whenever you step outside for a walk in forested or
grassy areas, use thick leather boots and a good pair of trousers. Snakes
can feel vibrations transmitted along the ground and will normally move away
from your path much before you approach them. If you are working in grassy
patches with your hands, use a thick pair of gloves. Lightly disturb the
area with a long stick before you commence your work. Always use a torch at

80-90% of the snakes I have caught were located in piles of rubbish:
discarded objects, firewood or under large piles of bricks or stone. Snakes
also hide in rat holes once they have eaten the inhabitants. So, clean out
all the rubbish and fill up all the rat holes around the house. Set up traps
for rats on the roof. Cut any branches or creepers that are touching the
walls of your house.

There are a lot of things you can do for snakes as well. For a start we can
at least stop senselessly killing them. Though killing snakes is against the
wildlife law, none of us thinks twice about taking a stick or stone to their
head whenever we come across them. There are plenty of youth now trained to
handle snakes, who will gladly come and take away the animal should you
encounter one. In Goa, for example, where I live, everyone knows the phone
numbers of trained snake-catchers. There are more than a dozen of them.
Their numbers and addresses are published by animal welfare groups in the
newspapers from time to time.

Snakes have been receiving a bad image since biblical times. Corporates can
fund educational films to educate people on these much-maligned creatures
and their uses. People need to be shown how the whole ecological balance set
up by nature would be affected if snakes are all exterminated.

Though there are many snake lovers, snake protectors and enthusiasts, they
lack the infrastructure and funding to carry out their snake saving
activities on a professional and orderly basis. Corporates could help a lot
by funding, say, a snake rescue and rehabilitation club.

We may be able to entertain the idea of living in a world without snakes,
but I believe if that happens we will end up pretty miserable. And that will
continue as long as we keep bringing more and more of Mother Nature's
animals to their extinction. The way I look at it we don't have a choice: we
must save snakes if we are to save ourselves. Far better then that we
improve our knowledge of these creatures and establish greater harmony in
feelings between our species and theirs.

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