On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, noel wrote:

> I seem to find that "some" authors get away with murder on goanet.  
> Wonder why?? 

Noel, Thanks for your feedback. I think every member of Goanet also has a 
duty to stand up and speak out when s/he feels acceptable limits are being 
violated. It would be nice if you could point to specific cases where 
posters are repeatedly getting away with "murder".

This is not to suggest that I have myself not erred while approving 
messages. In one case, a very responsible member, Eustaquio 
(EJS) found that one of his post was wrongly rejected -- and I was 
probably the culprit, thinking it was a virus. In another case, one was 
surprised to read the content of the post one had hurriedly approved.

Still, it would be very nice to hear Goanetters speaking up when they find 
posts to be consistently objectionable in tone or content -- so that 
everyone knows what is expected-behaviour on Goanet. 


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# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/              #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

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