>From the true Goan dictionary, or as they affectionately refer to it in Bardez as the 
for reasons unknown to them.......

Definitions of a Niz Goan:
Anyone who says “I’ll see you tomorrow” when they really mean sometime in the next 
week.  And so
you wait for their visit, which is delayed several months.  Same with “I’ll call you 

Anyone who knows how to get somewhere, but does not know the exact streets as in “go 
left, then
right for half a kilometer, go left again, walk 5 minutes past the church, and the 
house is on
your left next to the temple”.  These directions actually represent 75% of directions 
to places in
Goa and works 90% of the time regardless of where you are going.

Anyone who says to her/his neighbor “I agree with you on corruption in governments 
opposition to the war in Iraq, Bush’s duplicity, the corporate-controlled press, but I 
with you on our common property line which I think should move another 1 inch towards 
your side.”

Anyone who says “Goan mangoes are the best in the world” while buying a Ratnagiri crop 
at the
Mapusa market.

Anyone who says “Details do not matter” but can tell you the exact property status of 
dwelling in the vaddo going back three generations.  In certain instances of 
clairvoyance they can
predict the property status going forward two generations (this is known to happen a 
lot in


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