Hello to all,

My name is Jay Carvalho, I have been a member of this list for a long time
now - a few years in fact.  When Goacom first came online i noticed it.
Over the last little while I have been personally thinking of going back to
GOA to deal in teaching students there about Entrepreneurship.
Funny that George wrote this email.  I am 24, I live in Victoria, B.C
Canada.  I currently run two not-for profit organizations. One is called The
Greater Victoria Entrepreneurs Challenge www.gvec.ca  the second, recently
started is www.secvictoria.com or the Social Entrepreneurship Challenge.  I
run two businesses and work as Business Development officer for a major
company here in Victoria.  I am quite involved in the community and the
local schools and all three universities on the island.  My challenges give
away money (10,000+) to young start-ups.  I am currently finishing a BCOm in
admin and management and a degree in psycholgoy from the University of
Victoria.   My parents are originally from GOA and i have been back many
times - the last time however was sometime ago.  I was thinking of going to
Banglore to talk with some of the major companies that are starting to be
recognized here in the West, however I would love to start bringing together
goans and Entrepreneurship.

George - I would love to work with you on this - and what i mean by this is
actually starting up a site for goan entrepreneurship and I would like to do
this as soon as possible.  Are there any goan business individuals on this
network that could contribute their time and sponsorship for a website
strictly devoted to this?
My phone number in Victoria (mobile number ) is 1 250 418 0706 and would
love to talk to anyone very much interested in this venture. George - if you
yourself would like to chat I wouldn't mind touching base on this front. I
have family in Montreal and Toronto that I could pitch this too.

Funny enough last month i did a bit of research on Indians in
Entrepreneurship and there are a few major ones during the DOT.COM days that
did very well and are well established in Silicon Valley.  I am very well
skilled in setting up organizations and raising money.  My current project
has a student doing her master's thesis on it and support for it is growing
and growing. www.gvec.ca has been around for three years and i recently
landed IBM among others on board for the infrastructure backup support.

It's funny how this has come up and believe it's time to seize the day on
this as I have been thinking about if for a while now.

www.goaentrepreneurship.com or www.goanentrepreneurship.com could be
purchased and I have a company of my own in Vancouver, B.C that could build
a very professional site and we could stream line goans towards it .

I really believe in this and I believe I am at a level now where
international work is something that I would like to take on and building an
international network for Goan Entrepreneurs would be a great start.

George if we could be in direct contact that would be great. I imagine you
have much on your plate but would love to touch base about this and see how
we use goacom.com to really focus in on making this a reality.

For all those out there you can contact me directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is much to do on this front and any support and reply would be
fantastic.   Please label all incoming email accordingly  ie. "Goan
Entrepreneurship Venture"

I look forward to hearing from those interested,

J.L Carvalho

www.gvec.ca Co-Founder and Vice President [EMAIL PROTECTED]

www.secvictoria.com Co-Founder and Chair

www.igeninc.com Partner
Vancouver, B.C

----- Original Message -----
From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:43 PM
Subject: Goan entrepreneurship

> There is a need for greater Goan entrepreneurship (going into business for
oneself), to be able to
> control one's financial destiny and by extension, our life's goals and not
be subject to the
> machinations of the job market, corporate & political worlds.  Economic
independence can lead to
> greater freedom (this is pithe statement but is true nonetheless).
> I am forwarding a website below which provides a straightforward business
plan.  Any new venture
> (or even an existing one) ought to take stock in some similar (though not
exact) manner.  So
> whether one is starting a weekly newspaper or political party or cyber
discussion group, it is
> important to think through the various issues using such a plan.
> Often I receive ideas on a number of fronts for various plans which are
terribly weak because
> people have not thought through all the issues.  I hope Goan
entrepreneurship will grow and
> flourish - being one's own boss, setting the agenda in an ethical manner,
and finally enjoying the
> fruits of one's labors.
> Regards,
> George
> http://www.sequoiacap.com/process/stepthree_howtoformat.asp
> How To Format A Plan
> We like business plans that present a lot of information in as few words
as possible. The topics
> that interest us most are a description of the market the company plans to
attack, an overview of
> the company's initial product and planned products, a description of
distribution channels, a
> summary of the backgrounds of the management team, a five year summary of
financial projections,
> and a capitalization table. We are very skeptical about detailed financial
projections beyond the
> first 12-18 months of a company's operations and have a jaundiced view of
reams of financial data.
> We have found that the following format provides a good overview of a
prospective investment. It
> usually works best when limited to around 15-20 slides, either in overhead
foils or driven from a
> PC.
> Business
> Company's business (description short enough to fit on a business card)
> Mission statement
> Products
> Product description
> Development schedule
> Differentiation
> Price point
> Market
> Trends
> Historic and projected sizes in dollars
> Product match to market definition
> Distribution
> Sales channels
> Partnerships
> Customers
> Competition
> Competitors
> Competitive advantages
> Team
> Background of management
> Board composition
> Financials
> Historic and projected P&L (first two years by quarters)
> Projected cash flow (first two years by quarters)
> Current balance sheet
> Projected head count by functional area (R&D, sales, marketing, G&A)
> Capitalization schedule
> Deal
> Amount raised
> Valuation asked
> Use of proceeds
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software
> http://sitebuilder.yahoo.com

# Send submissions for Goanet to [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       #   
# PLEASE remember to stay on-topic (related to Goa), and avoid top-posts #
# More details on Goanet at http://joingoanet.shorturl.com/              #  
# Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others  #

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