Marlon,my Goan Brother,
True,I agree with your para1,but wait a second,do you sometimes stop to
wonder why we cannot always deliver,what we  want to?
Could it be that the remote control is in somebody's hand?
Are we not  just nothing before the MIGHTY POWER?
I am not approaching the current issue from a moralistic angle,I am but a
habitual sinner,human that I am.
However ,when I see a profanity being justified,I find really,really
repulsive and as a GOAN  living in Goa ,my self respect (not my pride
anymore) can not accept it.
The issue of whether Yes or No to Prostituition ,is essentially a  question
of whether, we do respect , a human being, another man or women.
Sorry ,to dissapoint you , but no man or women get's into Prostitution(Sells
his or her body willingly,it is always circumstantial and it is really sad.
There is no question that people in distress anywhere around the world need
to be rehabililitated and lifted up from these pitiable circumstances.
Ask those who are working in red light districts any where in the world.
There is no question of me being judgemental about any profession my friend.
Prostitution is honestly not a profession, it is a situation where some of
our brothers and sisters are unfortunately trapped and find it difficult to
get out from.
The children, if at all born in this circumstances, will grow up only to
hate this world and the blood of these  foetusus aborted will only cry out
for the blood of  those responsible.
Marlon  my brother and those of you who share his view, will you be able to
say you won't fill the guilt.
Yes , my friend  Man or Women prostitution is evil and  the man or  women
who willingly
 practice this are unfortunately  immoral.
I do not want to be judgemental or appear to be a fundamentalist as some may
think. I am nothing ,but even then, I would in all humility reject any
question of tolerating ,in an attempt to accomodate this arguement ,which
will only achieve a materiastic object of suppressing the impoverished
millions by  legalising Prostitution,which will only be exactly what the
Slum Lords, the Mafia,the Dons and all those neo commerical  and mercenary
interests of so many of those gutter rats chewing into the very fabric of
our society.
I request and pray that you too will soon begin to share true LOVE,
UNDERSTANDING AND COMPASSION for every man and women ,who would be led or
even choose to opt for selling their own or other's bodies to satisfy the
passions of those who have no concern for their bodies or their spirit,but
who would not be content after defile and deforming their human existence.
If my posting is embarrasing or hurting anybody,my sincere apology,it is not
my intention to attach any body personally as I am no man of achievements
like most of you.
The Lord has been kind to me and shown me I wrong I was in the past to share
your opinions and similar visions for Goa.
Today ,I realise that, we should consider building a NEW GOA,first in our
minds and hearts before we see the renewed Goa.
We all need to forgive those who oten go wrong,me included.
We need to pray especially for those steering Goa and INDIA, so that ,by the
Grace of GOD this nation we be a NEW NATION tommorrow, where every TEAR from
every eye will be wiped off and the pangs of hunger will be removed from the
bellies of our impoverished people.
Praise The Lord!
Jai Hind!
On the Internet!
Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues
SIMPLY GOAN,simple Goan!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marlon Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 11:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Re: Should prostitution be legalized in Goa?

> Auspicio,
> We all want and wish the best for others. However
> wanting something and actually delivering benefits are
> two different things.
> I may be wrong, but to me it looks like you are
> approaching this problem from a moralistic angle.
> Basically what you seem to be saying is that
> prostitution is evil and that the women who willingly
> practice this are immoral, not unlike say professional
> killers. Based on this form of thinking, your solution
> therefore is to impart proper religious teachings to
> them so that they can change their ways.
> My prognosis of the situation is different from yours.
> I do not make a value judgement on prostitution and do
> not place prostitutes at the same level as
> professional murderers. I view this as an economic
> issue in which those women who have willingly chosen
> this profession, have done so to maximize their
> incomes so that they can feed their families or
> whatever. Given my assumption that this is an economic
> issue, I have therefore suggested that this profession
> should be treated as a regular industry in which its
> participants abide by some well defined laws to
> protect the service providers and the consumers.
> My counter to your moralistic argument is this:
> Suppose you were to convince a prostitute to give up
> her evil ways, you would still need to provide her
> with an alternate income source to replace what she
> lost. Now try replicating this solution for the
> hundreds of thousands, if not millions of other women
> (and men). Furthermore, why just limit this to
> prostitutes and provide these benefits to the hundreds
> of millions of destitutes. If not, we would have a
> peculiar situation of many people claiming to be
> prostitutes in order to qualify for these benefits.
> Clearly, the resources simply do not exist to do this.
> To me therefore, the solution is to deal with this
> issue from a macroeconomic point of view.
> Marlon
> --- "Auspicio F.M.Rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Praise The Lord!
> > I accept your allegation ,if that is what it is,but
> > ,don't you agree that if
> > somebody is faced with a problem those who can
> > should lift them up higher
> > not sink them lower.
> > I would not allow my sister to be a prostitute,I
> > would try to rehabilitate
> > her,wouldn't I ,wouldn't you?
> > Are women facing problems not worthy of our
> > UNDERSTANDING,are we to let them GO DOWN and watch
> > it ?
> > I think it is most  hurtful ,that in this day and
> > age we can encourage
> > perversities ,simply because it does not hurt us,
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