Dear Sir,

Since I have been consistently submitting Goa related articles anyway to GoaNet I guess I'm already a Volunteer. So can I put 'GoaNet Volunteer' below my name from now - officially?

Do I get to sit in judgement on postings?
Can I declare topics closed?
Can I tell off Edgar Martins and suspend him off and on?

Do send me my Administrative Name and Password or whatever.
I'm liking this volunteer bit already.

Your Sincere and Dedicated Volunteer
Cecil Pinto

I always have loads of ideas to enliven anything!

On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 10:29:28 +0530 (IST) Frederick Noronha wrote:

[Goanet needs someone who can volunteer to search the Net regularly for
Goa-related articles, so as to enliven this list and make for more
informed discussion about matters Goan. Get in touch with the admin team
if you can help. Also, if you have an idea of how to build Goanet into a
more interesting place, and are willing to volunteer to implement it,
please do contact us. FN]


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# More details on Goanet at # # Please keep your discussion/tone polite, to reflect respect to others #

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