"This government is better than other government" says
MLA Cortalim Mathany Saldhana in a recent interview to
a Goan monthly magazine and there will be many to
agree on this score discreetly atleast so long as CM
Manohar Gopalkrishna Parrikar is at the helm of
affairs and until such time he does not mean to
introduce Hindu fanaticism in Goa to please his
mentors outside Goa.

But I totally disagree with Mr Saldhana's contention
that panchayats and Planning authorities are to be
blamed for the illegalities they commit.
Let us look at analyse these two facts. 

First, of all our electoral system declares "first
past the post " as victor at the hustings . Why not
amend it ?
Can parliamentarians not insist that 50 % or more of
the votes polled should decide the victor?  This would
ensure the right material of Parliamentarians ,
Legislators,  Zilla Parishad members, panchas, and

Second , what is the  role of Parliamentarians and
Legislators?(please dont call them ---politicians but
they are "law makers")  is it not to legislate on
matters on the Centre, State and Concurrent lists?
Had these "law makers" enacted fool proof laws rules
regulations without scope for ambiguity corruption by
the local self government bodies and the executives
would be checked .It is the failure of the "
"lawmakers " to do their homework well at the time of
enacting the legislations that has allowed room for

Even today Mr. Saldhana could go through
all the laws prevalent in Goa constitute a committee
of well meaning people concerned about the corruption
in Goa,examine the loopholes and then start a peoples
movement to for the remaining 39 legislators to plug
these loop holes.  Even a civil disobedience programme
would not be out of place on this issue.

In fact  NGOs or public spirited citizens in Goa would
do well to first aware themselves of the laws the
rules the bye-laws before running to the courts filing
PILs (Public Interest Litigations)

Mr Saldhana will perhaps also agree that
Parliamentarians and Legislators have  a predominant
job to lay down POLICIES governing each of the
subjects in the Central,  Concurrent and State list
respectively before enacting laws .  But what do we
see today,  Cabinet decisions which are piecemeal
decisions easily reversible by future governments or
no policies whatsoever. 

It is a disgusting sight to see a MP or a MLA  forcing
their electorate to "invite' them to inaugurate roads,
public taps , toilets when these do not constitute
their area of intervention but could as well be
attended by the repective Councillors or Panchas or
Zilla Parishad members or other politicians in and out
of power or eminent citizens.
Unless the above  role of the "law makers" is
performed  by Mr Saldhana and his thirty nine
counterparts in the Goa Legislative Assembly and the
three Parliamentarians representing Goa in the Rajya
Sabha and Lok Sabha  we cant blame the "panchas zilla
parishad members and councillors besides the Executive
for the illegalities.

Trust readers will agree with this point of view.
godfrey j.i. gonsalves
borda margao goa


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