Three items from Flavio Gracias, President of the UK Goan Association:

1. Goa Six a Side Football Tournament. 24 August 2003.
The annual tournament was a huge success, with fourteen teams taking part.
R'n'B Playaz beat Real Siolim in the final. The organisers, Darren Fernandes
and Val Nunes would like to thank all the teams for taking part. The Board
of Directors would like to thank Val Nunes & Darren Fernandes for organising
the event.


It may well be that the six a side football tournament was a huge success.
My son was injured during a game and sustained torn ligaments, a fracture
and a chipped bone. There were no bandages available let alone a First Aid
Kit. Irrespective of the organisers having obtained waivers in respect of
liability, there was a care of duty and obligation. The Goan Association
which is sitting on a pile of money, should make available funds for a First
Aid Kit, instead of distributing members money to dignatories and friends as
a gesture of goodwill, after all charity begins at home and home is where
the members are.

I thank Mr. Confiat who gave my son an ankle support, kindly email me, so
that my son may return the ankle support, as he does not have your address.

2. Sports Day. 31 August 2003
As in previous years, Peter Rodrigues and his team organised this event. It
was very heartening to see so many Goan youngsters taking part, especially
in the 14-16 age group. The weather was good and it was a perfect day for
such an event. Proud parents, grand-parents, husbands, wives and friends
added to the thrill of it all, cheering their loved ones to the winning
tape!! The tug of war always a fun event, attracted participants of varying
heights, weights and measures and pull that rope, they did! Sincere thanks
to all the organisers and those involved in ensuring the smooth running of
the track events. Special thanks to Seraphino Antao who donated some of his
treasured trophies to winners of the track events. Mariano's disco followed
the closure of the games, and a good time was had by all who stayed to


Congratulations, the sports day was marred by an incident which involved a
member assaulting two women. The Police were called and I am sure a report
was filed. I trust the Directors are aware of this incident and have
fulfilled their obligations, by taking correct disciplinary action. The
Association was brought into disrepute and furthermore these kind of
incidents, may well in the future loose the Association it's Bar licence as
well as its ability to hire Archbishop Lacfranc school grounds.


Gabriel V Menezes. (Life Member GOA UK LTD)

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