Herald today (Oct. 24) carried a very well-written and incisive
editorial, titled *Great Goan farm decay* on the State's pitiful
agricultural sector.  (Goa depends almost entirely for its food
supply on neighbouring states.)

The edit pertinently touched some of the causes: the erstwhile
MGP regime's short-sighted agrarian reforms (the Agricultural 
Tenancy Act,1964, which together with its infamous Fifth 
Amendment, is referred to as the Land-to-the-Tiller Act) and the
systematic emasculation of age-old Comunidades.

Coincidentally, the Gomantak Times, which attracts the maximum
of Public Notices among Goa's English language dailies 
(on account of its Ad. low tariffs) today carried a pageful of notices.  
Five separate Public Notices show how a single tenant from 
Calangute is on his way to become a super bhatkar after lawfully 
dispossessing what must have been five erstwhile small bhatkars!

Welfare legislations ushered by the former MGP regime,
though laudable in purpose, were severely myopic and ill conceived.
Largely for political mileage.

What should have started with a survey of land holdings and their
classification, followed by a ceiling on ownership, and finally by a
re-distribution of surplus land - and only then by statutes such as the 
Agricultural Tenancy Act, was implemented in the most topsy turvy 
and sloppy manner.  Cart before the horse, in fact.

I don't know whether these archives have now been uploaded on 
The Navhind Times' website, but a serious student of the subject may
access the following two articles:

1. *Comunidades - Legal Murder?* (NT, July 3, 1977); and,
2. *Rane Committee Report - a farce?* (NT, July 10,1977)
(both by yours faithfully)


(P.S.:  The 2nd citation is a report by the then MGP Minister for Law,
and later the Congress Party's longest-serving Chief Minister, Pratapsing
Rauji Rane, who unabashedly plagiarised a previous - and far more 
studied - report by a Commission headed by A.L. Dias, a Goan former 
ICS officer and Governor of West Bengal - recently, alas, deceased.)

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