Dear Evans,
Now you really sound like a Protestant!  Is there a
name for someone who is in-between being a Catholic
and a Protestant? That would describe a lot of
This Pope has completely stifled all discussion on the
topics you have outlined.  Catholics mostly are living
a different reality from what the conservative
teachings say.  I did go into the corridors of the
Vatican in the year 2000 (not just once, but 3
times!)to canvass for the Joseph Vaz canonization, and
went to services, the Papal audience etc. - my
overriding impression was that the place was run by 
white, male, mostly aged or aging clerics, and not one
woman in any position of power and decision-making
authority,that I could see anyway! 
It's definitely a bastion of white, aging male (dare I
say male menopausal) privilege!  They don't speak the
ordinary language of you and me....
There's little hope of changing their agenda.  Why
worry, we can only live our own good life and do good
works, and chuckle at the incongruity of it all.


--- Evans Mendonca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I refer to, and, applaud  Filomena Giese for her
> thought provoking articles in the last fortnight or
> so
> on the subject of Saint Business.Yes there is a lot
> of
> injustice out there. To speed up the canonization
> process & thst too, bypassing others who have been
> waiting in the wings in spite of meeting the
> required
> criteria is not right. With due respect to the
> Catholic Church, I think the need of the hour is  to
> revamp it's canonical laws on a myriad of issues, so
> as to keep with the times. This article stems from
> my
> personal experiences with the Church over the years,
> and  I don't wish to offend anybody. Some of the
> known
> issues, (just to name a few) being :
> - Inter-religious marriages
> - The role of Nuns
> - Canonization
> - Contraception
> - Celibacy
> - Infallibility of the Pope
> The Catholic Church is slowly losing it's flock and
> needs to do something about you reckon?
> Evans Mendonca /Hong Kong
> P.S. Im neither a canonist nor a catechist..Im just
> a 
> Catholic !!!! 
> =====
> Author: Evans F.J.Mendonca 1984
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