From Guilherme Almeida in Margao

MARGAO, NOV 19 (HR) It will take some time to answer the question whether 
Goan NRIs are eligible or not to exercise their franchise, but the sword 
of domiciles is presently hanging over thousands of voters as the 
respective Electoral Registration officers are bracing up to delete names 
from the electoral list on grounds they have shifted their place of 

Incidentally, the exercise is marked by sharp differences of opinion 
amongst election officials over the modus operandi used to delete names 
of voters upon instructions from the Chief Electoral Office.

"Such an exercise (deletion of names) is normally carried out during 
intensive and special electoral revisions and after much awareness and 
publicity. It cannot be implemented during the photo-identify cards 
programme”, an official informed Herald under condition of anonymity.

But, Salcete Assistant Electoral Registration Officer, Sanjeev G Dessai, 
says otherwise. So far, his office has issued thousands of notices under 
Rule 21A of the Registration Electors Rules, 1960 for deletion of names 
since the voters could not be found at the place of residence during the 
EPIC programme.

"Yes, under Rule 21A of the Electors Rules, 1960, we can delete the names 
of voters if they are not ordinarily resident of the area", he 

When his attention was drawn to the fact that his office is using the 
data collected during the house-to-house campaign vis-a-vis the EPIC 
programme for an entirely  different purpose, Dessai said answers to all 
these questions can be sought from the Chief Electoral Officer, Ballah.

Incidentally, it is learnt that the Assistant Electoral Registration 
officer has not received anything in writing to take up the voters 
deletion exercise, and the exercise is purely based on the discussions 
held at a meeting held in the Chief Electoral Office.

So far, the Salcete Electoral Registration Officer has almost completed 
the process of issuing notices and hearing the parties. However, the 
controversial exercise to strike off the names has not yet begun and the 
likely first victims would be those who haven’t replied to the show cause 
notices, either due to the short time-frame or due to lack of awareness.

Another section who would fall victim to the ongoing exercise --
undertaken to ascertain the success of the EPIC programme than for the 
deletion of names under Rule 21A of the Registration of Electors Rules, 
1960, are the large number of youth from Salcete presently putting up in 
the 'clubs' in Mumbai to pursue their career in the merchant navy. Some 
of these youngsters have been in the metropolis for several months, 
seeking a job on the ships, but now face the prospects of loosing their 
voting rights back home.

According to available statistics, there are 9960 voters in the eight 
constituencies of Salcete who are being considered as having shifted 
their ordinary place of residence. Margao tops the list with 2701 such 
voters, followed by neighbouring Fatorda with 1965 voters.

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