From: Prof. Newman Fernandes, Principal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Be Your Own Master

A three day entrepreneurship awareness camp was conducted by
Fr. Agnel Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Verna, Goa,
in association with the Commerce Department of St. Xavier's
College, recently, in the College hall for the students of
T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science, Electronics and Industrial Chemistry. The camp was officially inaugurated by Principal Newman
Fernandes who, in his inaugural address, stressed the importance
of value addition to the academic subjects taught in College so
as to prepare students for employment. He also highlighted the
fact that the current generation of Goan Youth aren't venturing
as entrepreneurs, as a result of which many entrepreneurs from
outside the State are taking the initiative to do so, thus having
the Goans no choice but to work under these entrepreneurs. Mr.
B. Rajasekhar, HOD of Commerce, welcomed the faculty and

    Mr. Anthony Pacheco, the speaker for the first day, explained
the concept of entrepreneurship and the current trends in
opportunities for employment in the State.  He urged them to
develop a positive attitude and to seek entrepreneurship
opportunities.   He enlightened the students about the fact that
the opportunities for jobs, specially government jobs, is almost
nil - thanks to the large number of professionals being churned
out from Goa's many professional Colleges.

    In inspiring the students, he urged them to be motivated and
encouraged them to motivate others.   Mr. Pacheco advocated
"Positive thinking" among the students and show to make the best
of a bad situation,  and to seek opportunity under such
circumstances.  He encouraged students to look out for all
possible prospects and develop the right attitude and hinking

    Mr.  A. C. Kamat, a retired Gazetted officer  addressed  the
students  on how to set up SSI (Small Scale Industry) units,  the
regulations   and   formalities   involved,   financial   schemes
available,  subsidies granted, etc.  He spoke to the students  of
the  emerging  importance  of  small  scale  industries  and  the
opportunities available through various schemes of the government
and  of  private firms in providing finance.   Among  these  were
government  schemes by EDC and NSIC and various other  government
undertakings which provide financial aid.  Private  organizations
include commercial banks and other institutions.  He later guided
the gathering through the entire process of how one could set  up
a  small industry and the legal formalities involved  along  with
the  break  up  of the loans that can be  given  for  setting  up
cottage,  small,  medium  and large scale  industries  and  other
procedures  followed.   Mr.  A.  Gracias  shared  his  views   on
identification  of  opportunities  for  entrepreneurship  through
different means such as SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunity,
threats) analysis and Mish Mash questionnaire. He stated that the
requirements  for a successful entrepreneur are 85%.   Enterprise
management  skills and 15% technical skills.  He stated a  number
of  technical  approaches for finding the  opportunities  for  an
entrepreneurship  endeavour. He also stressed the  importance  of
visiting exhibitions organized in order to gain information about
different trends and new ventures that could be undertaken.   Mr.
Gracias  encouraged students to read newspapers, which provide  a
wide window of ideas and opportunities.

Mr. Karapurkar enlightened the students further on the government
schemes  for  loans, financial aid and  technical  assistance  to
small scale industries.

Mr. Atul, a successful entrepreneur, the last speaker for the
final day shared his personal experiences; as an entrepreneur of
a unit that manufactures generators. He briefly described the
management of his establishment, and its remarkable achievements. He also shared the trials and tribulations he encountered
throughout the process of setting up the company. He advocated
private firms for loan facilities over government schemes, for
their assurance, as compared to government facilities.

    The  end of this session marked the conclusion of  the  camp
which  was  indeed  successful in  providing  the  students  with
information    about   "Be   Your   Own   Master"   concept    of

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