What other groups do, say extremists as mentioned by
Mr. Marlon to the extent of preserving thier pure
culture is upto them, each community has a different
way of preserving things, what is food for one may be
poison for other. The other extremists are unique in
their own way be it good or bad and we are unique in
our way. There is nothing wrong to be associated with
groups as long as your path is right.

Nothing cheapens goan culture, as it has always been
supreme and will always remain , when goan culture
cheapens is when Mr. Marlon thinks it in a cheap way,
here we are talking in terms of Insult to Goans , an
advert has caught the eye of a goan in Abu Dhabi and
he felt it is wrong in the interest of Goans, he has
not committed any crime by creating an awareness on
this advert, we should be in praise for him atleast
there is a watchdog for us goans on such issues though
a petty one but can be a bigger one next time. 

Mr. Marlon thanks for your note but there was no need
to go to the levelof extremists etc.... if only you
had to praise Ivor and your help to this issue would
make a big difference. If you think of preserving goan
culture stretch your hand to help Goa in whichever way
you think and then the Goan culture will be preserved
by itself.


--- Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Last
time I checked, Goa does have the largest 
> concentration of bars in India. I have also 
> witnessed 
> far more episodes of drunkardness amongst Goans than

> within the average Indian population. Whether my 
> cursory observations are statistically significant, 
> I 
> cant say. BTW, can Vivek give us a list of recent 
> Bollywood movies (say inthe last 10 years) that 
> allegedly depict Goans as drunks? If this allegation

> against Bollywood is true, then should they not be 
> congratulated for correctly depicting a unique (but 
> undesirable) feature of Goa? 
> Back to the issue below - I did not state that the 
> rajasthanis etc are an integral part of Goa. 
> However, 
> the Anjuna flea market is an important venue on 
> Goa's 
> touristic map. Whether it is full of Rajasthanies, 
> Kashmiries or Martians is immaterial. Was the 
> article 
> about the Anjuna flea market in general or did it 
> claim that the Rajasthanies in the flea market were 
> Goans? There is a pretty big difference between the 
> two. If it is the former, then your prejudice is 
> pretty clear. To me, use of language that pictures 
> of 
> these women "cheapens" Goan culture is a clear tip 
> off 
> of this attitude. Today, we have some hindu 
> extremists (sh*t sena, RSS etc), that use the same 
> kind of language in their quest to preserve India's 
> "pure" hindu culture. I'm sure Vivek and Ivor do not

> wish to be associated with this lot. 
> Marlon 
> --- vivek araujo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > rajasthani and kashmiri etc, vendors being in 
> goa, 
> > does not automatically make them an integral part 
> of 
> > Goa's touristic landscape. Goan people and Goan 
> > vendors are enough to promote Goa overseas. 
> > 
> > No doubt we are friendly, and because of this too 
> > cossy friendliness attitude we require vendors 
> from 
> > outside to promote Goa while our Goans, our 
> culture, 
> > and goan vendors are left out. For Goa to promote 
> > its 
> > tourism, we do not require rajasthani or kashmiri,

> > we 
> > have our own clothing like the kunbi,Mando, 
> > kottifuggdi, and many other like dresses. 
> > 
> > No insults to Kashmiris or rajasthanis, but its 
> > better 
> > they promote their dress in their own native 
> > places,we 
> > have non goans in most of the departments in Goa, 
> > lets 
> > hope and pray that we do not see the dress code of

> > goans change to Kashmiri and rajasthani. 
> > 
> > Well done ivor, if you think it very deeply this 
> > advert.has indeed caused a dent on us goans. We 
> are 
> > always potrayed as drunkards in Bollywood films, 
> > Goans 
> > have not lost their memory or ideas to the extent 
> > of 
> > having a rajasthani or kashmiri dress promote 
> goa's 
> > tourisim. 
> > 
> > Ek Goenkar 

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