Neal, thanks very much for your reply.

I agree with you in the sense that someone that has been born here in
London and has lived here all life is probably a native of London, but
if he/she is of a foreign origin, he/she is probably not representative
of the "Natives of London" group, and therefore, in order to avoid
arguments and problems, that would not happen in London. 

In London you will also probably find many of those born in London of
foreign origin will not say they are natives of London but that's
another story and has very much to do with the English culture and
English way of life that makes foreigners feel always out of place,
especially our Goans.

But in all fairness, I think we are missing the point here.
The challenge Eddie took (according to his own words) was to find a
photograph with a foreigner and a label saying "NATIVE OF LONDON".

He gave us a link but I could not find such label anywhere.

I rest my case.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
Of Neal Pinto
Sent: 09 December 2003 17:09
Subject: RE: [Goanet] What insult to Goans ?


I suppose it depends on what you define as being "native" vs.

According to Merriam-Webster's online dictionary [],
word "native" includes the following definitions:

- belonging to a particular place by birth (eg: native to Wisconsin)
- belonging to or associated with one by birth
- grown, produced, or originating in a particular place or in the
- living or growing naturally in a particular region 

So, does anybody know who this woman is?   It is suspected that she is
Lamani and it has been mentioned that some anthropologists define some
Lamanis as being indigenous to what is now Goa.   Even if that
is false, with the knowledge that Lamanis have been in Goa for more than
years, could it be possible that she was born in Goa and lived there her
whole life?

Using the definitions I listed above, lets say that some published a
picture of one of our London-born/raised Goans with a caption saying
"Native of London" and there was an outrage from those of Anglo-Saxon
descent saying that this Goan's image was an "insult to the British"
gives a "cheap image of London".

Would that be justified?

Neal Pinto

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