Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!

Dear Teotonio,
Greetings for the year 2004.
I do not know which query you are replying to. This message looked abrupt to
me. Is it an answer to the search for Portuguese words in Konkani and vice
With good wishes,

> Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy
> canteen). Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!
> ------------------------------
> It should not surprise anyone if "linguistic imperialism" is an effective
> way of domination, be it politically or economically. All western colonial
> powers have done that by imposing their language. During the Portuguese
> regime the competence of a Goan was measured by his capacity to handle
> Portuguese language. As a result, in his own native land, Goenkar4s
> Konkani
> was of no use. It reminds me of  a definition of "mother-tongue" by
> Ravindra
> Kelekar. It is the language that helps one to earn his bread or
> livelihood.
> How would it be if we had asked the Portuguese to learn Konknni to
> continue
> staying in Goa?
> I also think that we need not re-invent the wheel by trying to list words
> of
> Portuguese origin that entered as loan-words into Konknni. An elaborate
> and
> scholarly work has already been done by our countryman, Sebastico Rodolfo
> Dalgado and it was published in Baroda with an Introduction in English by
> Anthony Xavier Soares 1936, and was reprinted 1998 by Asian Educational
> Services in Delhi. It is a volumous tome with 320 pages and entitled
> *Portuguese vocables in Asiatic languages*. We are even provided with
> minute
> details about the origin and derivation of such words. I recommend that
> all
> discussing this issue on Goanet stop wasting their time and acquire a copy
> of this book. Those wishing to place it on website could also do so,
> because
> the book belongs already to public domain and is no longer subject to
> copyright.
> Teotonio R. de Souza
> From: The Goan Forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet]Unrevising the actions of the Konkani revisionists - 1
> Further to what the good Goemcar Godfrey Gonsalves has
> posted about Konkani and the attempt to forcibly
> Sanskritize it (much like HINDI was), we are placing a
> provisional list of Konkani words which are being
> targetted by the Saraswat Revisionists for
> decapitation.
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