Goanet next meets in Goa: January 7, 4 pm (meeting point: Kala Academy canteen). 
Goanet founder Herman Carneiro will be there. See you there!


Goan Ethnic Purity

This subject has surfaced recently generating many posts. As I thnk
about the subject, one is mixing up genetic purity and culture and
society. In one if not two generations, my progeny will likely be
American by culture even though they will continue to be Goan by genetic
inheritance. Please look up a textbook of Sociology for definition of a
Culture and Society. 

What generated the post to the Brits was the name of our ethnicity and
way of life. The Brits were wrong in their statement that Luso-Indians
became/ are now called Goans. They were very gracious and prompt in
their reply and we have to give them credit (and learn!). 

The probability is very high that Mesticios or Luso-descendentes (not
Luso-Indians which is an English word) behaved culturally like
Portuguese and returned to Portugal. In fact what pissed off the
Portuguese padres about Goans was that in spite of the Catholic faith
the Goans behaved like Concane (Goan Hindus). It was partly to stop this
nana-sense that the Purtugez introduced the Inquisition against the
Catholics (ani others). One famous quote from a Portuguese priest was
that Canarims (Goan Catholics) "ARE CATHOLIC BY FAITH BUT HINDU BY
STYLE". It is these characteristics that define Goan society and not the
genes of the people. So even with Goan and/or different genes, one could
still be a Goan if one had many of the above mores and customs. You can
see my book for the specific (and well defined) cultural practices (ani
NOT Chalta-Hai ani Everything-Goes). By the same token in the absence of
any of the above markers (in CAPS) it is difficult to call one a Goan
with or without the genes. Ani drinking Feni does not count. :=)). And
neither does live-in arrangements, polygamy, divorce, cremation etc. I
am not passing moral judgments on these practices. All I am saying these
are not Goans cultural practices. AND JUST BECAUSE ONE OR A FEW MEMBERS

Contrary to what many have written and even more may think, the
exception is not the rule. It is what is says - the exception. And the
exceptions do not become the norm, even if the exception is reported as
"I know / heard of this one case". In our field, we call them anecdotal
cases. Of late, the exceptions may get sensationalized and romanticized
by some articulate Goans writing novels or postings from some rustic
setting on the banks of the boro vodlo lake close to the north pole - I
mean Swindon. :=)) These fictional tales then become the basis of some
scientific THESIS and are posted on some enchanting Goan website. If we
Goans are lucky these stories may even be made into TV mini-series or a

What surprises me are these deforming and defaming stories (about
free-wheeling sex and marriages) are put out by Khoro Niz Goenkars. The
same also complain vehemently that some right wing RSS is demeaning the
image of the Goenkars and especially the Christaums. While Goans know
the truth from the kaneos, some non-Goan who now goes to the Goa-web
swallows these kaneos "hook, line and sinker". Then a (Ph D) consultant
will write even further denigrating stories about our community. After
all the Brits got their facts from some consultants or researchers.

It is hence all the more important that Goans stay vigilant for these
fokana stories. In the past these kaneos were widely circulated by our
tarvotis. Now we have to deal with armchair cerebral tarvotis with some
pretty wild imaginations. :=)) Good for them! :=)) Not so good for the
rest of us.:=)) These "Mental Tarvotis" are now in cyberspace armed with
some slick web-pages. The more fascinating the stories and more graphic
/ outrageous the Goan images, the more popular will be the novels and
more books will be sold and more attractive the web site. Do you think
these Goan / Konkan web sites would place this critique on their pages?
No soiree!!! But we can hope and pray that some day the (XYZ) smoke will
clear and truth will prevail. 
Regards, GL, NY

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