Dear Simon,

We know that Roman script is still an important issue to older generations
of Goan Christians, but we cannot confuse the script issue with strength or
weakness of Konknni language today. Just because Roman script is failing, it
is no proof that Konknni in Devanagri is not doing well and even flourishing
 But from the recent discussion about the use of sh or x in the writing of
Konknni in Roman script it was clear how little interest is there on the
part of Goan Christians to learn such rules of writing. Can we conclude that
Goan Christians want everything the easy way?

Simon, why not provide a brief summary in English? It is like some others
who place the texts only in Portuguese? How does it help the great majority
of 5000 and odd goanetters? We do not have as yet any statistics from the
Admin. team of goanet what is the language-wise distribution of its

Teotonio R. de Souza


From: simon carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Fw: [Goanet]Konkani disappearing in Goa




Goemkaranchea kalzanim aple avoi baxecho kitlo poreant mog asa to sogllea

Goemkarank bhes bori khobor asach.  Kaim vorsam adim Goeant kitlimxinch

Konknni disallim, satollim, adi axil'lim.  Aiz kitlim jivim asat?

Goemkarank aplea

avoi bhaxecho mog nam mhunn tunch porean mandun gheta:  (I have not seen

a single post in over a month.)  Konn guneanvkar?  Devanagri lipin Konkani

mandun ghetli tednanch Romi lipi Konkani magun ghevunk zai asli.  Hea adim,

Konkani Goemkaranachea kuznant tori astali.  Devanagri Konkanik fuddlea

dharantlean mottea promannan ievkar dhilo ani xekddeanche Romi Konkanik,

khontt marun kuznachea dharantlean bhair uddovpi ami khore niz Goenkaruch





> Konkani disappearing in Goa


> Response from GL:

> Credit for what you have described goes to the khoro niz-Goenkars. I am

> a member of the Konkaniforum discussion group. I have not seen a single

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