I thought of Goanet readers in view of some postings recently, in regard to
the BJP and forthcoming elections. This will also hold true for Goa.:

>From the economist:


 The prime minister's stock is soaring

 IN THE middle of 2002 Atal Behari Vajpayee, India's prime minister,
 looked as though he might hobble off the world stage on ailing knees,
 taking his creaking body into political retirement. TIME magazine ran a
 big story on how this "ordinary old man" was spending "the twilight of
 his political life where he wants to be--out to lunch". Nearly two
 years later, Mr Vajpayee still walks hesitantly on reconstructed knees,
 often speaks disconcertingly slowly, and enjoys his lunch more than he
 perhaps should at 79. But he is increasingly recognised as one of the
 world's most surprising statesmen. Now he is pushing his Bharatiya
 Janata Party's (BJP) multi-party coalition into an early general
 election, confident of a victory that few analysts are yet prepared to

 In the past fortnight Mr Vajpayee has pulled off a reconciliation with
 President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, setting the two countries on
 the most promising, if uncertain, path to peace for years. He persuaded
 President George Bush to announce, on January 12th, a long-awaited
 co-operation agreement in high technology, space and nuclear products,
 which will beef up India-American relations. He got Jaswant Singh, his
 finance minister, to produce not one but two generous pre-election
 mini-budgets on January 8th and 9th. And L.K. Advani, his deputy prime
 minister, is to back up planned talks between India and Pakistan by
 meeting leaders from Kashmir's separatist All-Party Hurriyat Conference
 on January 22nd for their first-ever formal talks on devolution.

 Mr Vajpayee also seems energised by the prospect of the election
 campaign. At a recent political rally he spoke with the sort of force
 and clarity that once made him famous as an orator, and said he hoped a
 new government would be in place by the end of April.

 The prime minister's 2002 low point came when more than 2,000 people
 were killed in Hindu-Muslim riots in Gujarat. Afterwards, the state's
 controversial chief minister, Narendra Modi, won a landslide assembly
 victory for the BJP on an anti-Muslim ticket. That strengthened
 hardliners within the Sangh Parivar, the Hindu "family of
 organisations" to which the BJP belongs, and led to fears of similarly
 provocative election campaigning elsewhere. But, following a defeat in
 a small northern state, Mr Vajpayee tacked to a more moderate line,
 with campaigns stressing development and stable government. He was
 rewarded in December with election victories in three key states.

 Mr Vajpayee now seems unlikely to retire before his health compels him
 to, and certainly not, as was mooted a year or so ago, soon after the
 coming election. "If he works at 79, he can work at 84," says Pramod
 Mahajan, a prominent BJP politician. That seems to be accepted by the
 76-year-old Mr Advani, who has long been a rival as well as an ally,
 and whose prospects of becoming prime minister fade the longer Mr
 Vajpayee remains. Mr Advani is seen as a nationalist hardliner. He
 cannot mount a challenge now because he knows that he would find it
 difficult to hold the BJP's National Democratic Alliance coalition
 together, let alone win an election, if Mr Vajpayee were to depart.

 The BJP's election confidence stems partly from disarray in Congress,
 the main opposition party, which is ineptly led by the Italian-born
 Sonia Gandhi, widow of Rajiv Gandhi, the former prime minister
 assassinated in 1991. The BJP plans to campaign on a strong economy
 (with growth of over 7% last year), stable government and now the
 prospect of peace with Pakistan. It adds up to a hard act to beat.

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