Feni: How to tell the difference between the illicit stuff (takes many
doses for effect) and the nectar of the Gods (jusht one shot puro). 

Tarvoti Pedru entered a taverna, sat down at the bar, and ordered a neet
feni. After he gulped the drink, he peeked inside his shirt pocket
...... then he ordered aniek double cutto ani machee rre.

After he polished that one, he again peers inside his shirt pocket and
ordered aniek couto murre.......and this went on for four rounds.

Finally, the bartender said, "Arre Pedru, I'm bringing you soglem drinks
whole evening ..... But baba-putta, ya gotta tell me why you glancing
inside your shirt pocket before you order aniek drink?"

Pedru munta, "I'm looking at my ghorcarn's poto. When she starts to look
good, then I know it's time to go to the home."

PS. Now you know why most Goenkars have jusht one shot of Feni. :=))

Question to Tony Martin: You told us how the tax system works for
Coconut feni. How does the tax work for cajel? Dev borem korum.

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