---"BHANGAR TUKA" FOR KUWAIT: Rafael de Majorda is proceeding to Kuwait
with his Konkani tiatr "Bhangar Tuka Dilem", which will be staged on
February 13 at the Indian Art Circle, Fanaitees, Kuwait, under the
production of Hilton de Assolna and his troupe, which includes Ana Pereira,
Sharon, Wilmix, comedian Ben Envangelisto, Platilda, comedian Sally,
Marcelin de Betim and Prem Kumar. (H) ---

The above news item appeared in this forum on Goacom Daily News Clippings by Joel D'Souza on 21.1.04. By reading this news item many people in Kuwait are surprised. The above news item is fake news, there is no truth in it. I have already sent my reply to Herald on this news item and I am awaiting their response. Meantime let me state here why I say the said news item is fake. First of all on 13th February i.e. next month one Tiatro is already fixed at Indian Arts Circle and that tiatr "Devak Zai Zalear" is of Ben Evangelisto who is coming to Kuwait along with his 15 member troupe. Ben coming to Gulf tour and first stage will be in Kuwait. Secondly, Rafael de Majorda is no more in Kuwait. Thirdly Hilton de Assolna's name is unnecessarily involved.

It is my sincere request to all those who are involved in releasing news on Goan community affairs in Kuwait to make it doubly sure that what they publish is genuine. Currently in Kuwait we have fake writers and the hero of all of them is one Webster from Bardez having Camellian height but cockroachian brain. He is very well versed in changing email addresses under different names and yet pretends to be totally innocent. Once when I suspected him of his involvement in such acts of Dr. Jeckeyl and Mr. Hyde he flatly denied. He is such a rascal Goan that his only motto is to bring about disgrace on Goan community. He thinks he is Frank Moraes of Kuwait Goans but in reality he is nothing. His only job is to "Cut the matter from X source and Paste it on his Y source". Even some of my articles without my consent he plaguiarised thereby proving that he is nothing but a big "Chor". Because he is coward to face certain persons, he is pushing either others or coming out with fake names. The entire Goan community knows his chickanery. Almost all the cyber persons and owners and administrators of Websites know that this Webster is a crook. Many times owners and administrators of Goan Websites told me of chickanery of this Webster. He is not a sincere person to any one, NOT EVEN TO HIS WIFE. In the past he tried his best by writing fake news to stop me from writing but he is a fool. Because he is a chickaner, once he was disgracefully sacked from one organisation. For the time being I stop here but only hope he will act saner henceforth otherwise he will not only bring himself into disrepute but also the forum where he is involved.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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