Salus Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I live in Melbourne, and cyclists over here have to
> use helmets too.  It is
> a good idea to use the helmets when riding on any
> two wheeler, motorised or
> not.  Somehow Goans in Goa seem to be having a
> problem with that, and we
> find it hard to understand why.  Safety starts with
> self, and I think the Government is right in 
> putting its foot down with the helmet law.

I was out skiing last week.
A father and his five year old son were waiting
infront of me for the next ski chair to arrive. As the
chair approached, the two of them tried to move
forward to the line where they needed to be to get on
the chair.

As they were moving forward, the five year old slipped
and the ski lift swung forward at the exact same time
and hit the child on the head. The child was thrown
five feet with the impact.

Luckly for both of them, ski helmets are compusory for
kids here in Canada. Else, that ski trip could have
turned into a life long disaster for the two of them.


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