At the Mhapsa Fest 13th to 15th February, 2004 --- at
Altinho Mapusa beyond the precincts of the Mhapsa
Court.  There are Portuguese era houses which are a
cynosure of all eyes.  This quite surroundings is
witness to the three day extravaganza of Art and
culture display.  The owners of the houses have
permitted the balcaos and some interiors of an
unoccupied house to be used as display premises.

So the first I meet is the ever smiling Alexyx ---with
his display of caricatures and photographs buy Joel D
Souza. They are arranged in a large house belonging to
Ms Iris D Costa  a reputed photographer of yester
years.  The house needs repairs and if only some good
samaritan could help a beautiful house can be saved. 
Yes and Alexyz had this to say-- "Fontainhas is for
the professionals "(meaning the recent Fonatainhas
festival held for the second year in succession by
Heta Pandit and group  under the NGO Goa Heritage
Action Group..where he unceremoniusly walked off in a
huff when the alloted space was not given to him.)
while this is for those in the North and Bardezcars
and above all amateurs...."

This indeed was a nice beginning for Friday the 13th
on Mhapsa Friday Bazaar Day.

Then there was an almost unknown Carol Fernandes a
Gulf returnee from Doha Qatar -- her display of egg
shell works drew the attention of this writer.  Dont
these egg shells forming decorative items violate the
wild life act.. No said she --- I have a certificate
from the Australian Government to bring down the
Kangaroo and the Emus eggs --- there are duck eggs etc
and other effects made on zince sheets --- "Are these
embossed" no says a blushing Carol thats the secret" 

And could I conveniently say that you are the only one
featuring this exhibit of various egg shells in goa "I
dont know" says Carol but definitely in the UAE we did
a course on that --- Such egg shells come from UK and
if one compares my creations they stand a poor
comparison to those seen abroad.

But it was her hubby John Patrick Fernandes from
Anjuna now settled in Housing Board Mhapsa that
encouraged her to do something -- meaning exhibit her

Asked whether she intends to sell -- she has not
thought of it yet.

Then we move to a side entrance and we Ha ve young
Pankars paintings he drew his inspiration from next
door neighbour Thomas Vaz.

I move to the next house and meet the spritely Thomas
Vaz  his parents hailed from Pedda Navelim in Salcete
Goa but they moved to Mhapsa several years ago --- we
still speak "sashti konkni" said Thomas Vaz---He is
unlettered but since the age of 16 years he took to
photography.  How did it come to you he said --- when
you cook rice you know you use salt rice and boil and
see what happens and that is self learning" I shot
such images and he proudly points to the See Cathedral
in Old Goa to get that footage he chopped  tree
branches and from a precarious position he clicked
this prized phtograph then --- there is another one in
1958 he is this time with Vassalo Silva the last
Governor General of Goa before Liberation.  "This was
during his visit to Mhapsa at a place where Hotel
Heera stands.  There was a photgraph of a Kunbi woman
in traditional outfit another in loin cloth "casti"  

Now what are his plans --- he is opening an art
gallery in Mhapsa Bazaar at a 40m2 premise of his own
.  "But I will call it "Thomas Vaz Arte Photographica"
it will be a hall where photographs are placed
spaciously with small legends to explain.  Then there
will be T Shirts presentation items like cups etc for
the visitors" I intend to devoute myself fully to this
and do justice to pphotgraphy"

And have you trained anyone? this writer asked of him
reminding of the Hindu teachings where we are all
actors on this stage (on Earth) unless we pass on our
talent to others it is believed we have not fulfilled
the desire of our Creator ---- Yes its true till this
day my children are not interested but I have a 4 year
grand daughter who has a penchant for photography ----
"Yeah but that will be a long time to come " I said he
agrees with me and assures that Pankar the neighbour
next door was inspired by him but he would deifinitely
give a thought to this suggestion once he is on his
own.  He signed a collection of Photgraphs and
presented to me with an invite to his new art House.

Some told him there was TVAP photographs seen on the
net and he was amused for he is yet not cybersavy but
he does intend to do some slides for posterity and a
meticulously arranged album with photography from 1956
onwards will be on display..  He hjas held an
exhibition at the Kala Academy visited by CM Manohar
Parrikar and has received National awards for his

The cultural shows begin late evening so its worth the
start given by Lucinda Cabral Ceaser Cabral Pamela
Cabral and Micael and Mhapsa Fest though was presented
in a hurry has apromising bright future -- it is
intended to be held a week before the Caranaval
celebrations every year 

So its good news for our niz Goencars --- Goans are

from the Altinho grounds - Mhapsa 
Godfrey J I Gonsalves]
Borda Margao Goa 

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