
I join in congratulating Miguel Braganza and the other organisers of the
'Mhapsa fest'  By all accounts it was a great success.  Wish I was there!

However, in my humble opinion, Miguel's halo has become a little tarnished
since he wrote:


> We need to be a little more positive,helpful and
> encouraging.

> I personally believe that persons like Floriano
> and Rajan Narayan are doing an excellent dis-service to society, Goa and
> India by constantly cribbing, criticizing and doing nothing positive. It
> got them nowhere. It will take them nowhere.
>  Floriano even insists that 'Mhapsa fest' is wrong
> because it is 'Marathi', while "mhap'sa" is the Konkani word  derived from
> 'mhap' = measure and 'sah'=complete level of the measure...and there is
> nothing Marathi or BJP about it!]


Florian Lobo had written:

> Comments:
> A lot of fun is envisaged at this Fest. And it is a recurring one.It
> be a treat for Mhapsekars, really. Or should I called it "Mapxekars'? But
> would have like it better if they spelt it as Mapusa Fest instead of
> Fest. Sound definitely Marathi rather than  Konkni.
> And it is good to know that Miguel Braganza is at the helms of it all.

I personally do not believe that Floriano is doing "an excellent dis-service
to society, Goa and India."   Has he not championed many issues in the past
and the eyesore of hoardings on the National Highway right now?

However, I too wondered about the need to use the term 'Mhapsa' instead of
'Mapusa'  After all, is Miguel not the Editor of Mapusa Plus?  Has he not
used the term, 'Mapusa' in previous postings.

I too would prefer consistency in the name.  However,  I would welcome
discussion and not seek to undermine those who sought to do so.


Eddie Fernandes

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