To Floriano, Fred, Aires, Roland, Godfrey, Rajan et al

Keep up the good work you have been doing for Amchem Goeam
Below is a good lesson that will help you, keep going...

Eddie Verdes
Saudi Arabia


Once there was a politician who did the best job he could. But being human,
he made mistakes and was criticized. Reporters repeated his errors in the
newspapers. Well, he became upset that he drove out into the country to
visit his dear
friend, a farmer. "What am I going to do?" the politician cried. "I've tried
hard. Nobody has tried harder than I have to do more good for more people,
and look how they criticize me!"

But the old farmer could hardly hear the complaint of his persecuted
politician friend because his hound dog was barking up a storm at the full
moon. The farmer
rebuked his dog, but the dog kept barking. Finally the farmer said to the
"Do you want to know how you should handle your unfair critics?
Here's how. Listen to that dog: now, look up at the moon. And remember that
will keep yelling at you - they'll nip at your heels, and they'll criticize
But here's the lesson:
The dog keeps howling, but the moon keeps shining!"

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