Peter D'Souza wrote

---- quote ---

>I have been asked by friends here in the U.S.A. whether there was any
>kind of evangelical Christian movement in Goa similar to the one in
>Brasil. Last I'd heard--about 15 years ago--there were a hundred or so
>evangelical Christians (mostly ex-Catholics) in Goa. Could somebody
>provide me feedback on the current state of protestantism in Goa? (Off
>list..if you prefer)
>Many thanks,
>Peter D'Souza

----- unquote ----

Dear Mr. D'Souza,

The state of protestantism in Goa is world class. We Goans protest about everything. Helmets, payparking, Konkani being made compulsory, 5 start hotels, backpackers, tree cutting, road widening, film festival, Konkan Railway, Nylon 66, Meta Strips, ...

With reference to particular sects I have heard of The Church of The Latter Day Saints, Believers and such.

The latest sect is an offshoot of the Catholic religion. It is drawing converts in the thousands everyday. This sect follows all the tenets of the Roman Catholic Church but has one Additional Commandment. "Thou shall not cover thy head with anything artificial".

Naturally members of this Catholic sub sect are exempted from wearing Motorcycle Helmets in the same way as Sikhs are exempted on religious grounds.

To know more details about how to join this fast growing sect (fully recognised, and soon to be approved of, by the Vatican) please contact me personally. There is a $20 Registration Fee towards administrative expenses.


This sub-sect has not yet found a proper name or slogan for themselves. Suggestions welcome.
Church of the Better Riders?
Born Again! Born Free?


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